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Box artwork for 1 vs 100.
Box artwork for 1 vs 100.
1 vs 100
Developer(s)Microsoft Game Studios
Publisher(s)Microsoft Game Studios
Year released2009
System(s)Xbox 360
Latest version2.0.1149.0.0
Rating(s)ESRB TeenPEGI Ages 12+
Links1 vs 100 (Xbox 360) ChannelSearch
For the Nintendo DS game, see 1 vs 100.

1 vs 100 is an online multiplayer adaptation of the trivia game show of the same name. There are two versions of the game, referred to as 1 vs 100 Live and 1 vs 100 Extended Play.

The Live version places a single contestant as "The One" against a group of 100 that make up "The Mob", with the rest of the players making up "The Crowd". The One has the opportunity to win up to 10,000 Microsoft Points, which are credited to their Xbox Live account, while the remaining members of The Mob divide up the winnings and each win an Xbox Live Arcade game if they are able to eliminate The One. The top three players in The Crowd win the XBLA game as well.

The hosts and players are represented by Xbox Live Avatars. The game is free to all Xbox Live gold subscribers and is supported by advertising revenue. Seasons lasting 13 weeks will consist of various 30-minute extended play sessions followed by live two-hour episodes airing Tuesday and Friday.

Season 2 of 1 vs 100 began on November 19, 2009 in France, Germany, the United States and Canada, and on November 20, 2009 in the United Kingdom and in the Republic of Ireland.

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