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Name differences
US European
Infantry Infantry
Mech Bazooka
Bike Motorbike
Recon Recon
Flare Flare
Anti-Air Anti-Air
Tank Tank
Md Tank
(Medium Tank)
Heavy Tank
War Tank Mega Tank
Artillery Mech Gun
Anti-Tank Anti-Tank
Rockets Rockets
Missiles Missiles
Rig Mobile Workshop
Fighter Interceptor
Bomber Bomber
Duster Fighter
Sea Plane Ship Plane
Battle Copter Battle Helicopter
Transport Copter Transport Helicopter
Battleship Battleship
Carrier Carrier
Submarine Submarine
Cruiser Cruiser
Lander Lander
Gunboat Missile Boat

Units form your army which you control. They can be produced from factories, ports, airports and with ship planes, carriers. Different units have different costs and different strengths and weakness. How you get all your units working together will determine how well the battle goes.

The name of units below may differ depending on the version of the game. The first name is the European English name, and the second is the U.S. name. See the table to the right for details.

Ground Units[edit | edit source]

The most common type of unit is Ground or ground units. In total, there are four type of ground unit, based on their armour and usage. All ground units are built by factories and can be repaired / resupplied in cities, factories and HQ.

Infantry Armour Units[edit | edit source]

Infantry type units are used primary to capture bases. All units expect those without a secondary weapon, will use their machine gun against these units. Although weak, they are one of the most important type of units. Only infantry type units can fire missiles from silos.

Cost 1500 Armour Type Infantry Targets Ground & Heli Vision Range 2 (+3 on Mountains)
Movement Type Infantry Movement Range 3 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon N/A Attack Range 1 Max Ammo N/A Secondary Weapon Machine Gun
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Down), Heli (Down)
Description Cheapest unit. Can capture bases. Vision +3 on mountains.
Special Notes Can board transport helicopters, mobile workshops and missile boats.
Cost 2500 Armour Type Infantry Targets Ground & Heli Vision Range 2 (+3 on Mountains)
Movement Type Bazooka Movement Range 2 Gas 70 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Bazooka Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 3 Secondary Weapon Machine Gun
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Heli (Down)
Description Attack power high. Can capture bases. Vision +3 on mountains.
Special Notes Can board transport helicopters, mobile workshops and missile boats. Unlike infantry, they can take on vehicles if they hit first (or if the vehicle is damaged).
Motobike/War Bike
Cost 2500 Armour Type Infantry Targets Ground & Heli Vision Range 2
Movement Type Tire B Movement Range 5 Gas 70 Material N/A
Primary Weapon N/A Attack Range 1 Max Ammo N/A Secondary Weapon Machine Gun
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Down), Heli (Down)
Description Infantry unit. High mobility. Able to capture bases.
Special Notes Any tank that fires on it uses machine guns not its Cannons.

Direct Attack Vehicle Armour Units[edit | edit source]

This is the most common type and most used type of unit in the entire game. Being a direct unit, they must move beside the enemy to fire upon it. Direct units are able to counterattack any direct attacks against it, but are open to indirect attacks.

Cost 4000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets Ground & Heli Vision Range 5
Movement Type Tire A Movement Range 8 Gas 80 Material N/A
Primary Weapon N/A Attack Range 1 Max Ammo N/A Secondary Weapon Machine Gun
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Down), Heli (Down)
Description Reconnaissance unit. High mobility. Good range of vision.
Special Notes
Cost 5000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets Ground & Heli Vision Range 2
Movement Type Tank Movement Range 5 Gas 60 Material N/A
Primary Weapon N/A Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 3 Flares Secondary Weapon Machine Gun
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Down), Heli (Down)
Description In fog of war, can fire Flare Rockets. Illuminates 2 square area where it Grounds.
Special Notes You can only fire Flare Rockets within a 5 square radius and only if you do not move that turn (i.e. treat as indirect attack). The Flare Rocket only last 1 turn but can illuminate all squares including hiding places (e.g. woods). Flares can only carry a max of 3 Flare Rockets before needing resupply.
Cost 7000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets Ground & Air Vision Range 3
Movement Type Tank Movement Range 6 Gas 60 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Vulcan Cannon Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 6 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Down), Air (Up), Heli (Up)
Description Specialized anti-air unit. Can also attack ground units but tanks are a threat to it.
Special Notes
Cost 7000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets Ground, Heli & Naval Vision Range 3
Movement Type Tank Movement Range 6 Gas 70 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Tank Gun Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 6 Secondary Weapon Machine Gun
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Heli (Down), Ship (Down), Sub (Down)
Description Light tank unit. Good mobility makes it useful on battlefield but watch out for Medium Tanks.
Special Notes
Heavy Tank/MD Tank
Cost 12000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets Ground, Heli & Naval Vision Range 2
Movement Type Tank Movement Range 5 Gas 50 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Heavy Tank Gun Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 5 Secondary Weapon Machine Gun
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Heli (Down), Ship (Down), Sub (Down)
Description Reinforced tank. Attack and defence capabilities superior to standard tank.
Special Notes
War Tank / Mega Tank
Cost 16000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets Ground, Heli & Naval Vision Range 2
Movement Type Tank Movement Range 4 Gas 50 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Mega Tank Gun Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 5 Secondary Weapon Machine Gun
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Heli (Down), Ship (Down), Sub (Down)
Description Most powerful tank. Boasts superlative capabilities but slow and weak to Anti Tank units.
Special Notes

In-Direct Attack Vehicle Armour Units[edit | edit source]

In-direct ground units can sometimes be overlooked and dusted away. However, they are able to hit, weaken and destroy enemies before they get near your frontline. With the exception of one, all indirect units are unable to counterattack.

Artillery / Mech Gun
Cost 6000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets Ground & Naval Vision Range 3
Movement Type Tank Movement Range 5 Gas 50 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Cannon Attack Range 2-3 Max Ammo 6 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Ship (Down), Sub (Down)
Description Indirect attack unit. Attack cannot be launched after the unit has moved.
Special Notes
Cost 11000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets Ground, Heli & Naval Vision Range 2
Movement Type Tire B Movement Range 4 Gas 50 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Cannon Attack Range 1-3 Max Ammo 6 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Heli (Down)
Description Indirect attack unit. When under direct enemy attack, it can counter-attack.
Special Notes Effective against War Tanks
Cost 15000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets Ground & Naval Vision Range 3
Movement Type Tire A Movement Range 5 Gas 50 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Rocket Attack Range 3-5 Max Ammo 5 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Ship (Up), Sub (Up)
Description Indirect attack unit. Powerful with a wide attack range.
Special Notes
Cost 12000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets air Vision Range 5
Movement Type Tire A Movement Range 5 Gas 50 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Anti-Air Missiles Attack Range 3-6 Max Ammo 5 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Air (Up), Heli (Up)
Description Indirect attack unit. Only capable of striking air targets but kills all aircraft in one hit and has good vision range.
Special Notes

Support & Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

Units that do not fit in with the above types are listed here. This includes the Rig or Mobile Workshop which is a handy thing to have.

Rig / Mobile Workshop
Cost 5000 Armour Type Vehicle Targets N/A Vision Range 1
Movement Type Tank Movement Range 6 Gas 99 Material 1
Primary Weapon N/A Attack Range N/A Max Ammo N/A Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes N/A
Description Carries 2 infantry or bazooka unit, supplies units and builds temporary airports and ports. Also resupplies units close to it.
Special Notes Temporary airports can only be built on plains. Temporary ports can only be built on shore. But it only has one material to build either one.

Air Units[edit | edit source]

Air units have the advantage of being able to cross any terrain that is passable by all other units. This mobility makes them key in any battle. Air units can be repaired / resupply at airports and temporary airports and can also be resupplied by mobile workshops. With the exception of ship planes, all are built from the airport.

Air Armour Units[edit | edit source]

Air units fly high in the sky and therefore avoid most of the fire from below. Specialist units are needed to bring them out of the sky with bullets or missiles.

Cost 20000 Armour Type Air Targets Air Vision Range 5
Movement Type Air Movement Range 9 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Anti-Air Missiles Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 6 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Air (Up), Heli (Up)
Description Air unit. Can attack air units. Most mobile aircraft but can't attack ground.
Special Notes
Cost 20000 Armour Type Air Targets Ground & Naval Vision Range 3
Movement Type Air Movement Range 7 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Bomb Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 6 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Ship (Up), Sub (Up)
Description Air unit. Can attack ground and naval units. Exceptional power but weak to enemy anti air units.
Special Notes
Duster / Fighter
Cost 13000 Armour Type Air Targets Ground & Air Vision Range 4
Movement Type Air Movement Range 8 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Machine Gun Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 9 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Down), Veh (Down), Air (Down), Heli (Up)
Description Air unit. Can attack ground and air units. Medium power but anti air units can shred it.
Special Notes Known as Duster in US version. Known as Fighter in Europe version.
Ship Plane/Sea Plane
Cost 15000 Armour Type Air Targets Ground, Naval & Air Vision Range 4
Movement Type Air Movement Range 7 Gas 40 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Missiles Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 3 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Air (Up), Heli (Up), Ship (Up), Sub (Up)
Description Air unit. Can attack any unit. Can only be produced at sea by carriers but have low supply, fuel and ammo.
Special Notes

Heli Armour Units[edit | edit source]

Helicopters fly closer towards the ground and therefore can be attacked by most ground units. But, they are cheaper the air armour units.

Battle Copter
Cost 9000 Armour Type Heli Targets Ground, Heli & Naval Vision Range 2
Movement Type Air Movement Range 6 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Air-Surface Missiles Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 6 Secondary Weapon Machine Gun
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Heli (Up), Ship (Down), Sub (Down)
Description Air unit. Can attack ground and naval units, and other helicopters.
Special Notes
Transport Helicopter
Cost 5000 Armour Type Heli Targets N/A Vision Range 1
Movement Type Air Movement Range 6 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon N/A Attack Range N/A Max Ammo N/A Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes N/A
Description Air unit. Carries 1 infantry or bazooka unit. No attack capability.
Special Notes

Naval Units[edit | edit source]

Naval units are able to swing the balance in any battle that has a port and should be put to good use. However, they are some of the most expensive to deploy. Naval units are built from ports and can be repaired / resupplied by temporary ports. They can also be resupplied by mobile workshops.

Cost 25000 Armour Type Ship Targets Ground & Naval Vision Range 3
Movement Type Ship Movement Range 5 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Cannon Attack Range 3-5 Max Ammo 6 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Inftry (Up), Veh (Up), Ship (Up), Sub (Up)
Description Navel unit. Has unique ability to launch indirect attacks after moving.
Special Notes It's unique ability means it actually has an attack radius of 10 squares.
Cost 28000 Armour Type Ship Targets Air Vision Range 4
Movement Type Ship Movement Range 5 Gas 99 Material 4
Primary Weapon N/A Attack Range 1 Max Ammo N/A Secondary Weapon Anti-Air Gun
Weapon Attributes Air (Down), Heli (Down)
Description Navel unit. Can carry 2 air units and produces ship planes.
Special Notes It repairs and resupplies aircraft.
Cost 20000 Armour Type Sub Targets Naval Vision Range 5
Movement Type Ship Movement Range 6 Gas 70 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Torpedo Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 6 Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes Ship (Up), Sub (Up)
Description Navel unit. After diving, it remains hidden unless enemy units are adjacent.
Special Notes
Cost 16000 Armour Type Ship Targets Naval & Air Vision Range 5
Movement Type Transport Movement Range 6 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Anti-Ship Missiles Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 9 Secondary Weapon Anti-Air Gun
Weapon Attributes Air (Up), Heli (Up), Ship (Down), Sub (Up)
Description Navel unit. Strong against air units and submarines. Can transport 2 helicopter units.
Special Notes
Cost 10000 Armour Type Ship Targets N/A Vision Range 1
Movement Type Transport Movement Range 6 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon N/A Attack Range N/A Max Ammo N/A Secondary Weapon N/A
Weapon Attributes N/A
Description Navel unit. Can transport 2 ground units. No attack capability.
Special Notes
Missile Boat/Gun Boat
Cost 6000 Armour Type Ship Targets Naval Vision Range 2
Movement Type Ship Movement Range 7 Gas 99 Material N/A
Primary Weapon Anti-Ship Missiles Attack Range 1 Max Ammo 1 Secondary Weapon None
Weapon Attributes Ship (Down), Sub (Down)
Description Navel unit. Attacks naval units. Carries 1 infantry or bazooka unit.
Special Notes Requires resupplying after each firing as it only has 1 ammo.

New, Modified & Returning Units[edit | edit source]

This is a list of new units, returning units that have had major modifications and largely unchanged returning units.

New Units

  • Motorbike
  • Flare
  • War Tank
  • Anti-Tank
  • Duster
  • Sea Plane
  • Gun Boat

Modified Units

  • Rig(Previously APC)
  • Battleship
  • Carrier

Returning Units

  • Infantry
  • Bazooka
  • Recon
  • Anti-Air
  • Tank
  • Md Tank
  • Artillery / Mech Gun

Returning Units

  • Rockets
  • Missiles
  • Fighter
  • Bomber
  • Battle Helicopter
  • Transport Helicopter
  • Submarine
  • Cruiser
  • Lander
Brief description of each new unit
  • Anti-Tank: A modified artillery unit specially designed to attack and counterattack armour units.
  • Bike: A fast mobile infantry unit that.
  • Duster: A cross between a Fighter and Bomber, able to do both roles but not as well as either.
  • Flare: A large recon unit with the ability to light up areas by firing up flares.
  • Gun Boat: A small infantry / bazooka transport able to hit ships with its one shot missiles.
  • Sea Plane: A special plane deployed from carriers able to hit most units (bar Anti-Air units) effectively but has low ammo and fuel.
  • War Tank: A replacement of the Mega Tank from Advance Wars: Dual Strike.
Changes to modified units
  • Battleship: Able to indirectly attack units after moving.
  • Carrier: It's indirect long range AA missiles that had once made it a great fearful ship have been removed, replaced by a direct attack machine gun that has as much effectiveness as a Duster / Fighter(i.e. not very). It now produces a max of 4 ship planes.
  • Rig/Mobile Workshop: Now able to create temporary ports and airports.
Units from previous games not available in this one
  • Black Boat
  • Black Bomb
  • Neotank
  • Oozium
  • Piperunner
  • Stealth

Non-Playable Units[edit | edit source]

A number of non-playable units are seen in story mode. Some are targets which you have to destroy whist others are beyond your reach. Most are products from the IDS.

Talon Gun / Strix Gun[edit | edit source]

Developed by IDS at request by Lazurian government. Due to its huge costs it was never mass produced. Development was halted leaving only a number of prototypes. They can be destroyed at their weak spot in the middle. It causes 5 damage to all units within a 4 square radius.

Caulder Missiles / Nemesis Missile[edit | edit source]

The equivalent effect of multiple nuclear missiles hitting an area together. Is capable of causing mass destruction and was still in development for both the Rubinellen and Lazurian government at the time of the meteor strike. Admiral Grayfield was close to launching them but Lin stopped him before the missiles were launched. He was then shot dead by Lin as revenge for Brenner / O’Brain / Brown murder.

Great Owl / Pulsutrix[edit | edit source]

A large giant bomber invented by the IDS. Its bombs can cause 5 damage in a 8 square radius. The Great Owl flies too high to be taken down by anti-air countermeasures. It was destroyed eventually by an onboard battle between smuggled 12th Battalion units and IDS units, but all hands survived. During Will’s time onboard, he saw the horrible science experiments that Caulder did.

The Nest / Great Owl[edit | edit source]

The headquarters and lab of the IDS owned by Caulder. Armed with 2 mortars and 5 lasers.