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Here it starts to get serious.

1 - Forest level
Shortly after the start, after meeting some pigs, there is an egg with an ax to collect and a skateboard / flower immediately after. Just before the end you can use a spring to reach a meat, but you will have to be careful not to fall on the fires below. Better to take it though, because the fruit here is not abundant.

2 - Cave level
In this level there are many precipices (it will always be like this in the caves from now on) and you will have to be careful not to fall. You will also have to be quick, there is not a lot of fruit. About halfway, between two fires, you will find an egg with a blue camptosaurus. Immediately after the second apple, there is the entrance to a secret room, where you will meet a dinosaur that will take you directly to the fourth island, if you want.

3 - Beach level
Here you will encounter a new pitfall: some palm trees can now drop coconuts, which you must avoid. However, it is enough to wait until they have fallen, or to walk under them quickly. Just before the middle of the level you will find an egg with a pteranodon. After taking it, you can fly up and go directly to the exit. If you hurry, you will make it before you run out of energy.

4 - Beach level
Similar to the previous level. You should bring a camptosaurus with you, because destroying a stone about halfway through the level can earn you an extra life. Later you will find another egg, with meat inside. Be careful: just before the finish line you will be attacked from behind by a very fast fox.

5 - Forest level
In this level you will have to watch out for mosquitoes, which will attack you a lot. There are also some hopping frogs and some fire-breathing snakes. Immediately after the first fire there is access to a secret room, where you will be given a dinosaur. In an egg about halfway through the level you will find an ax, a skateboard or a flower, depending on the case.

6 - Mountain level
The only things that might sneak up on you here are the fire-breathing snakes and the frogs. Otherwise the level is simple. In the first egg you will encounter, you will find an ax, a skateboard or a flower. In the second there is an elasmosaurus. Further ahead is another egg, which can hold a skateboard or a flower. Killing a frog, shortly after, you can get a meat.

7 - Mountain level
A good level, similar to the previous one. Shortly after the start, you will find an egg with a Honey Girl that will make you invincible, allowing you to destroy the large rocks you encounter. Further on there is an egg containing a red camptosaurus. There is also some meat to be picked up along the way. A little further on, there is a bonus area where you can get a lot of fruit. Beware of fire-breathing snakes and you won't have any problems.

8 - Desert level
Here you will find pools of quicksand. Overcoming them is simple, just keep jumping. Aside from fruit, there are no items to collect. Some ostriches will come at you at great speed, but killing them shouldn't be a problem. An easy level, all in all.

9 - Desert level
Very similar to the previous level. Here the quicksand to overcome will be a little longer, but they shouldn't bother you. There are no items to collect. Maybe bring a dinosaur with you so it can help you in the next boss battle.

You will have to fight the boss on quicksand, so keep jumping. This huge crab will attack you by shooting fireballs, before disappearing and reappearing in another position. It can appear on the right, center or left of the room. Avoid his attacks by jumping and perhaps taking advantage of the suspended platforms. Hitting the boss isn't difficult. You should defeat it in short time.