Here you are at the last island of the game, as well as the largest. Many tough levels await you here, of various types that you have already passed. You will start from a small iceberg, where there are some levels similar to those of the fourth island.

1 – Snowfield level
As in the level you have already faced, the main danger here is the penguins who drop three snowballs. Take a good look at where they fall and position yourself accordingly before hitting them. There are also some large rocks that will come your way, so a camptosaurus will certainly come in handy. There are no items to collect. However, if you choose to start the adventure from this island, at some point you will find an ax.
2 - Ice cavern level
The first half of the level is relatively simple. The only thing you need to worry about are the numerous falling stalactites, but avoiding them shouldn't be a problem, especially if you bring a blue camptosaurus with you, so you don't slip on the ice. You'll also find one in an egg along the way. But then there is a long section with small platforms suspended in the void, many of which will crumble shortly after you step on them. You will therefore have to jump quickly and with the utmost precision.
3 - Underwater level
A fairly challenging aquatic level. You will meet many black spikes that move, enemies that shoot you and jellyfish that will come towards you. As always, an elasmosaurus will be useful to you. If you don't have it, you will have to be quick, because fruit is not present in great abundance.
4 - Forest level
In this level you will encounter many jumping frogs and in the first part you will be attacked by some foxes in quick succession, along a path where there are also fires. So look carefully at the purple flowers. In the second part then things become simpler. Immediately after the first descent there is access to a secret area where you can get lots of fruit and a dinosaur of your choice. Shortly after, there is also a meat to be collected.
5 - Forest level
Similar to the other forest level, but perhaps more difficult. Here too, foxes and hopping frogs will attack you quite a lot. You will also have to be quick, because until the middle of the level, where you will find a meat, you will not be able to restore the energies. Other than that, there are no items to collect.
6 - Cave level
A challenging cave full of lava pools, from which flames spring out. You will meet many bats and hopping frogs. However, the most difficult point is just before the finish. You will again have to jump to a moving platform with a flame passing through it. Jumping at the right time is essential. Immediately after there is a large pool of lava to overcome. A red camptosaurus will be of great help to you. There are no items to collect.
7 - Acquatic cave level
Compared to the other levels on the island, this is relatively easy. Here you will necessarily have to go underwater. There is only one slightly treacherous point, where you will have to go through three movable black spikes. An elasmosaurus will be useful to you, also to pop the bubbles you will encounter along the way. Aside from fruit, there are no items to collect.
8 - Acquatic cave level
A somewhat unusual level. In this cave there are pools of water in which you will have to swim to collect fruit. In the middle of the level there is also a meat. Shortly before arrival, on a raised platform, there is an egg with an elasmosaurus. You can also take one with you from the start, but it is not strictly necessary.
9 - Volcano level
A very difficult level, full of dangers. You will encounter pools of lava from which flames spring out, erupting volcanoes, mosquitoes and even some hopping frogs. Then there are some large stones that will come towards you and in some places you will have to use moving clouds to overcome the lava pools. Better if you have a red camptosaurus with you, which can make things a little easier. There are no items to collect.
10 - Volcano level
See what is described for the previous level. There are no moving clouds here and there are fewer enemies, but there are even more erupting volcanoes to make up for it. Bring a red camptosaurus with you if you have one. There are no items to collect.
11 - Vertical cave level
In this vertical cave it is not advisable to bring a pteranodon with you, because the fruit is scarce and you would risk running out of energy. You will therefore have to be quick and climb with precision, avoiding falling. Some jumps are quite challenging. There are also more enemies than the other vertical caverns. There are no items to collect.
12 - Mountain level
Another difficult level, where you will have to perform many risky jumps on the moving clouds, to overcome the pools of water. You will also meet jellyfish jumping out of the water, a few frogs and jumping dolphins (a reminder of the first game in the series). In the middle of the level, on a small platform, there is access to a secret area, where you can get lots of fruit. There are no other items to collect. You can consider to bring a pteranodon with you, being careful not to miss the secret area. After that, you can fly directly to the finish line.
13 - Underwater level
The hardest underwater level in the game. You will have to overcome many narrow passages, between moving black spikes and you will meet many enemies, some of which will shoot you. You will also have to be quick, because there is little fruit to pick. A little over halfway up the level there is a shoal, where you will find meat. If you can get to this point, the worst is over. Bring an elasmosaurus with you, it will be very useful, even for popping bubbles. Immediately before the finish there is an ax to be collected.
14 – Dinosaur level
This level is one of a kind and is set in the belly of a dinosaur. Of course, being the last one in the game, it’s very tough. You will have to move quickly, overcoming the gaps, avoiding drops falling from the ceiling and killing the enemies, among which there are many jumping frogs and some small worms difficult to hit. There is also an unprecedented enemy, who shoots fireballs attached at the ceiling. In the middle of the level there is also a stretch in the water, which you will have to cross by killing other worms. However, the major difficulty in this level is not the enemies or the gaps, but the time. In fact, you have only one chance to restore your life energy: about a third of the way there is an egg with milk, the only item to be collected. You will therefore have to advance as fast as possible. Reaching the finish line before running out of energy is not easy at all. You may consider taking an elasmosaurus with you to cross the part in the water faster, but avoid using any other dinosaur, as your life energy would run out too quickly.
To complete the game, you will have to defeat two bosses in succession, in the same room, where there are drops falling from the ceiling and a big portion of the floor covered with spikes. The first boss is not too difficult to defeat. It will appear only on the right of the screen, at the bottom and top. It is advisable to always remain on the two small platforms in the center. When you go up to the top one though, be careful to stay on the edge, or you will be hit by the falling drops. Hitting the boss with axes is not difficult. As always, if you have a dinosaur with you, it will come in handy, as it will divert part of the boss's attacks. Move carefully, without being in too much of a hurry to hit the boss and after a while you will kill it.
As soon as the first boss is dead, the second will appear. This is definitely more dangerous. It will appear in all four corners of the room, alternately. You will have to try to find yourself in the opposite position to where the boss is in order to attack it. To avoid its attacks you will have to keep moving, avoiding both drops of water and falling on the spikes. It's really challenging, especially if you don't have a dinosaur and you'll need to be very careful. It also takes a lot of hits to take out the boss. Keep calm and hit the boss when you can. When you eliminate it you will have completed the game. Congratulations!