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The first island is extremely easy to overcome. You can also consider starting the game from a later island, using the appropriate option. However, it should be borne in mind that here you will be able to accumulate a good number of axes and dinosaurs, which will be very useful later on. As you progress through the game, the items to be collected are less and less frequent.

1 - Beach level
A very linear level and a real trifle. In the eggs you will find an ax, a skateboard and, just before the end, a blue camptosaurus.

2 - Mountain level
Very simple level, with an ax to be collected in the egg immediately after starting. On the first step you will encounter there is access to a bonus level, where you can get lots of fruit. Later you can also get a red camptosaurus and some meat.

3 - Forest level
No difficulty. Immediately after the start there is an egg with an ax to collect and, shortly after, a girl who will make you invincible. Shortly before the end of the level there is the entrance to a bonus area, right between two stones. You will be given the opportunity to skip the rest of the island and go directly to the second one.

4 - Cave level
Another very simple level. At the beginning there is an egg with an ax and, shortly after, a blue camptosaurus. Just before the end, just down a step, there is the entrance to a secret room, where you will get the Hudson Bee.

5 - Forest level
Here too there are no great difficulties, but in the first egg you will encounter there is an eggplant: avoid it. Later, by killing a frog, you will get the meat, it will be useful if you have stumbled upon the eggplant. By killing the crow just before the end, you will get a blue camptosaurus.

6 - Underwater level
At the beginning there is an egg with an elasmosaurus and immediately after an ax to collect. You shouldn't encounter any difficulties. Avoid the spikes at the top of the level.

7 - Vertical cave level
The first level in climbing. Climb the various platforms by collecting fruit and defeating the few enemies you encounter. More or less halfway up there is a milk to be collected. Avoid touching the pointed white platforms from the side or from underneath. Nothing complicated.

8 - Jungle level
Be careful not to fall into the lava at the bottom. Shortly after the start, there is a red camptosaurus in an egg, which will be very useful to you. Shortly before the end, at the foot of a tree, there is access to a bonus level, where you can get lots of fruit and a dinosaur of your choice.

9 - Jungle level
Similar to the previous one and still nothing too difficult. Maybe bring a red camptrosaurus with you, if you have one, so you don't have to worry about the lava. Shortly before the end of the level there is an egg with a pteranodon. After taking it, you can quickly fly to the exit.

This first boss, resembling a huge pineapple, shouldn't bother you, especially if you have a dinosaur. In this way, in fact, the boss will direct part of his attacks against it. Stay on the lower platform and jump to hit the boss with the axes on its protuberance. The boss will attack you by releasing green balls that move slowly leaving behind filaments. If one of these balls approaches you, destroy it with an ax. In short, you should defeat it.
Secret strategy: if you approach slowly and jump to the middle platform before the boss is fully visible, you can freely attack it from the edge of the platform until it is destroyed, while the boss will not attack you in any way!