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Note: Even though everything is frozen on this island, the levels are similar to those you have already crossed.

1 - Mountain level
Shortly after the start you will find an egg with an ax and a little further on an egg with a blue camptosaurus. This level is not particularly difficult, but you will have to watch out for snakes that breathe fire: if you can, eliminate them before they can attack you. The second half of the level is all made up of suspended platforms: you will have to jump being careful not to fall and the fires that you will find along the way.

2 - Mountain level
Very similar to the previous level. You will have to be careful of the fire and not to fall while on the suspended platforms, but nothing too difficult. Aside from fruit, there are no items to collect.

3 - Forest level
In this level you should take a camptosaurus with you, to destroy the large and slow rocks that will come your way. Apart from that, however, there are no major difficulties. Halfway through the level, by killing a crow, you can get an egg with a red camptosaurus. Immediately before the finish line, between two fires, there is access to a bonus area, where you can get lots of fruit.

4 - Beach level
A straightforward and fairly easy level. You still need to watch out for the fire and some hopping frogs. You should take a camptosaurus with you: just before the end, destroying a stone, you will get an extra life.

5 - Snowfield level
There are no precipices or great obstacles in this level, but you will encounter some very treacherous penguins. By jumping, these penguins will drop three snowballs that can hit you easily. Watch carefully where they fall and position yourself correctly to eliminate them. Between the first hill and the second there is access to a bonus room where you will be given a dinosaur. Between the fourth and fifth is an egg with a blue camptosaurus.

6 - Forest level
You will find an egg with an ax shortly after the start. In this level some foxes will attack you from behind at great speed: watch out for the purple flowers on the ground. Apart from that, there are no major difficulties. Just after the first climb there is access to a bonus area where you can get lots of fruit and a dinosaur of your choice. Better if you find yourself riding a camptosaurus at the end of the level: just before the finish line, by destroying a stone, you will gain an extra life.

7 - Cave level
Even though this cave is largely made up of platforms suspended in the void, you shouldn't encounter any major problems. In the middle of the level there is also an egg with a blue camptosaurus. Watch out for the hopping frogs and you will reach the finish line without difficulty.

8 - Underwater level
This aquatic level presents some pitfalls. Better if you bring an elasmosaurus with you, to pop the numerous bubbles you will encounter along the way. You will have to pay attention to the black spikes, which are present here in greater quantities. In some places you will have to go through a fairly narrow passage. Also beware of the enemies that shoot, try to eliminate them quickly. Shortly before the end there is an ax to collect.

9 - Ice cavern level
In this level it is strongly recommended to bring a blue camptosaurus with you, because it is the only one who can walk on ice without slipping. You will have to pay attention to the stalactites: approach slowly and wait until they have fallen before continuing. You will also find some small frozen platforms that you will have to overcome quickly, because after a while they collapse. There is a long gap shortly before the end, but if you have brought a camptosaurus with you, as recommended, you should have no problem getting over it. There are no secret areas or items to collect.

Quickly jump to the small platform above, paying attention to the stalactites. Once there, the stalactites will no longer be able to hit you and it is advisable not to change your position anymore. The huge octopus will appear alternately on the large platforms to the right and left. From your position you can hit it very easily. The boss will attack you by shooting two fireballs. If you have a dinosaur with you, one will be directed to it and won't bother you. To avoid its other attack, just jump. Keep hitting the boss and in a short time you should defeat it.