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Again, no great difficulty.

1 - Beach level
You will find an ax to be collected in the egg immediately after starting. Shortly after halfway through the level, you will find a small precipice and a flying crow. By killing this crow, you will get an egg containing a red camptosaurus. Be careful not to kill it while it is above the precipice. Once this is done, reaching the exit is a joke.

2 - Forest level
You should take a camptosaurus with you to this level. Shortly after the start you will find an egg with an ax. Immediately after the climb, be careful, you are about to meet a new, rather insidious enemy: a fox that will attack you from behind at great speed. However, you will know that you are about to be attacked by these foxes when you notice a purple flower on the ground. After defeating it, you will encounter a stone on the right. By destroying it with the attacks of the camptosaurus, you will get an extra life. Immediately after the descent, at the foot of a tree, there is access to a bonus area, where you can get lots of fruit. A little further on, by killing a crow, you will get an egg with an elasmosaurus. Reach the exit paying attention to the jumping frog you will encounter.

3 - Underwater level
A fairly simple aquatic level. There are a couple of narrow passages and it takes two shots to kill the seahorses, but you shouldn't run into any problems. There is also an ax to collect. Immediately before the end there is a bubble, if you get trapped inside you will lose some time. If you take an elasmosaurus with you, you will pass the level very quickly and you can even pop the aforementioned bubble.

4 - Forest level
You should take a camptosaurus with you to this level. By destroying the third rock you encounter, you will gain an extra life. You will also have to do a couple of high jumps using the springs, to get some fruit and a meat. You shouldn't have any difficulties.

5 - Vertical cave level
If you take a pteranodon with you, passing this level is a no brainer. You can simply fly up close to the right wall. Remember, however, to take the milk, in an egg about halfway up and an elasmosaurus just before the summit. If, on the other hand, you have to go up on foot, it will take a little longer, but you shouldn't encounter any major problems.

6 - Cave level
A very linear level. Immediately after the start there is a Honey Girl in an egg that will make you invincible for a certain distance. Further on there is an egg containing milk: take it, because it is your only opportunity to restore energy. After going down two steps, there is access to a secret room where you will be given an object (usually a dinosaur of the category you have the least of). Pay attention to the jumping frogs and to the last bat, which will come towards you at great speed.

7 - Underwater level
Another fairly simple aquatic level. Shortly after the start there is an ax to collect and by killing one of the fish you will meet shortly after you will get the meat. There is only one point, just before the end, where you will have to go through the spikes, being careful not to touch them. If you bring an elasmosaurus with you, you will pass this level in no time.

8 - Mountain level
In this level there are many pools of water, you will have to jump carefully and avoid ending up in them. From these pools of water jellyfish jump out, which you will have to avoid or kill. It is not so easy to hit them, especially with axes, so try to attack at the right moment, or you will waste time and energy. Immediately after the start, however, there is a bonus area where you can get a lot of fruit and a dinosaur of your choice, while killing the crow just before the finish, you will get an elasmosaurus.

9 - Underwater cave level
This level is one of a kind and is a little more challenging than the previous ones. There are in fact pillars and aquatic plants that partially hide the view. Advance carefully. There are also some enemies that shoot. By killing a fish shortly after the start, you can get the meat. It is strongly recommended that you bring an elasmosaurus with you which, in addition to allowing you to pass the level faster, will be very useful in the next battle against the boss.

This battle takes place underwater and you have to attack the boss by swimming. The boss is equipped with a solid shell, from which it comes out at regular intervals to attack you. You will have to hit it with the axes in these moments, hitting the shell is useless. The boss will attack you by shooting two fireballs. If you have an elasmosaurus with you, the battle will be very simple, as the dinosaur will pop the two bubbles that are in the room and the boss will direct one of his attacks on it. If you don't have it, the battle will be slightly more challenging, but not that much. However, avoid getting trapped in one of the bubbles, or the boss will kill you for sure. In a few turns you should defeat it.