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This is where things start to get complicated.

1 - Mountain level
This level is full of ponds, from which jellyfish jump out. You will therefore have to try to take out the enemies quickly and be careful when jumping. In some places you will also have to take advantage of moving clouds. A camptosaurus can be useful for eliminating jellyfish more easily, but just before the end there is a point where you cannot kill a jellyfish directly: you will have to jump at the right time. At the beginning there is an egg with an ax / skateboard / flower.

2 - Forest level
A linear level, but full of dangerous enemies. In fact, you will meet many mosquitoes, snakes that breathe fire and even some hopping frogs. A camptosaurus will allow you to kill enemies more easily by being able to destroy stones. There are no items to collect.

3 - Cave level
A cave full of lava pools, from which many flames spring out. These flames are the main pitfall here, avoid them carefully and jump at the right time. At the beginning there is an egg with a blue camptosaurus. You may be tempted not to take it, as by taking a red one with you, you can swim in the lava, but given the numerous flames its usefulness here is relative.

4 - Forest level
See what is reported for the second level. There are no mosquitoes here, but there are more hopping frogs. You will also encounter some large rocks. Just before the third rise there is access to a bonus area, where you can get lots of fruit. Shortly after there is an egg with meat, take it carefully as it is right in the middle of two fires.

5 - Beach level
Probably the easiest level on the island. However, you will have to watch out for hopping frogs and some foxes that will attack you from behind (look carefully at the purple flowers). By killing a crow about halfway through the level, you can get a red camptosaurus.

6 - Cave level
Similar to the previous cave. Beware of the many flames leaping out of the lava and the bats that will come towards you. Just before the end there is a very tricky obstacle: a moving platform with a flame passing through it. You will therefore have to be very careful to jump at the right time. A red camptosaurus can make things easier for you. In the middle of the level, after a small lava pool, there is a secret room where you will be given a dinosaur.

7 - Mountain level
Similar to the first level of the island. Here, however, the jumps will be even more difficult to perform, with many moving clouds and you will encounter a greater number of hopping frogs. There are no items to collect.

8 - Mountain level
More or less like the other mountain levels on the island, perhaps slightly easier. The jumps are not too complicated to do and there are fewer frogs. Also, just before the end, there is an egg with a red camptosaurus.

9 - Volcano level
This level is hard. First, there are numerous lava pools to overcome, with flames leaping out of them. You will then encounter many volcanoes that every few moments erupt three fragments of magma. You will therefore need to observe the trajectory of these fragments carefully and position yourself correctly to avoid being hit, before proceeding further. As if this were not enough, some large rocks will fall from above and will come towards you. If you bring a red camptosaurus with you, it will surely come in handy. At least the enemies aren't particularly insidious. Absolutely avoid breaking the first egg you find, as it contains an eggplant that will easily take away all your life energy, killing you. The second egg instead contains an ax / skateboard / flower.

If you have a dinosaur helping you, this battle can be relatively simple, while if you don't, things get considerably complicated. This scorpion will appear alternately on the two large platforms to the right. The best thing to do is get yourself to the small top platform as soon as possible and stay there. From here, you can easily hit the boss when it appears on the upper platform, while when it is on the lower one, you can do little (eventually, your dinosaur will attack it, if you have one). The boss will attack you by shooting fireballs, as usual. At first its attacks are easy to avoid, but when the boss turns red, after dealing massive damage, it will shoot you three fireballs in succession each turn. If you don't have a dinosaur they will all be directed at you and avoiding them is difficult. You will therefore have to move with precision, without being in too much of a hurry to attack the boss. Keep hitting it with your axes when you can, until you kill it.