Each time you choose an island, you will be taken to different levels and you will not always have to face them all before reaching the island boss. In this way, by playing several times, you will be able to try different levels. The islands to be faced are the following:
Fern Island: This is the simplest island, with very easy levels to overcome. However, there is also a swamp, with lava on the bottom.
Lake Island: An island where underwater levels and pools of water abound.
Desert Island: In this island there are some levels set in the desert, where you will also have to overcome quicksand.
Ice Island: A frozen island, where you have to move between expanses of snow and frozen caves, where you can slip.
Cave Island: There are many cave-type levels on this island, both horizontal and vertical. There are also some aquatic caves.
Cloud Island: Here you will encounter a couple of levels set in the clouds, in which it is very easy to fall.
Volcano Island: There is a large volcano on this island and therefore there are levels in which you will have to cross lava pools and beware of magma eruptions.
Dinosaur Island: This is the largest (and most difficult) island in the game and there are levels of all types that you have previously encountered. The last one is even set in the entrails of a dinosaur!
You can choose which island to start the adventure from, without being able to access the previous ones, by pressing at the beginning of the game .