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Box artwork for Air Combat.
Box artwork for Air Combat.
Air Combat
Year released1995
System(s)PlayStation, Mobile
Preceded byAir Combat
Followed byAce Combat 2/Ace Combat 22
SeriesAce Combat
Genre(s)Combat flight simulator
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksAir Combat (1995) ChannelSearch
This guide is for the PlayStation game. For the first game in the Ace Combat series, see Air Combat.

Air Combat (Ace Combat in Japan) is a semi-realistic flight-sim/action game, developed by Namco and released in 1995 for the PlayStation.

Air Combat is also the arcade game from Namco in 1992 that simulates an F-16. The game mainly involves dog fighting and has three levels of play: Cadet, Captain and Ace. This game was the predecessor of the PlayStation series. It had an arcade sequel, Ace Combat 22.

The story begins when a terrorist force starts an uprising and inflicts massive damage across an unnamed country. Efforts to defeat these terrorists through conventional means failed and the situation turns desperate; in response, a mercenary air force has been assembled to take the fight to the enemy and free the nation from the terrorist forces.

Artwork[edit | edit source]

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