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This is the first game in the Alien Breed series. For other games in the series see the Alien Breed category.

Box artwork for Alien Breed.
Box artwork for Alien Breed.
Alien Breed
Publisher(s)Team17, MicroLeague
Year released1991
System(s)Commodore Amiga, DOS
Followed byAlien Breed II: The Horror Continues
SeriesAlien Breed
ModesSingle player, Co-op
LinksAlien Breed ChannelSearch

Alien Breed is a horror game released by Team17 in 1991. In this game, two soldiers are sent to investigate a space station that stopped transmissions, with the station being eerily quiet when they land. The gameplay is similar to Gauntlet, with an overhead view and being able to shoot in eight directions.

An enhanced version, Alien Breed Special Edition 92 was released a year later.

Table of Contents
