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Part 1[edit | edit source]

You will appear in a small room with a door that will open to a corridor. The aliens, notably the runners will also run across the ceiling. The aliens will swarm top get into the room. The corridor will also have two circular side room connected to both each other and corridor. The one furthest ahead will have a terminal where you will need to interact with. Go back to the corridor and enter the forward door to enter a corridor with multiple side paths, one of which will have a pouncer. Expect aliens to come out of either side of the multiple side paths. Continue on to the furtherest left path near the end of the main corridor, and then continue through until you enter a large area with a type of tower/station in the middle.

Part 2[edit | edit source]

Defeat any incoming aliens and head on up the stairs, go through the ramp to the tower. Near the central column of the tower are some item crates, an ammo crate and a medkit. Prepare for the upcoming battle before you interact with the console. The aliens will emerge and try to either enter the bridge or to climb up to the balaconies of the tower. use this to your advantage by setting up turrets near the tower entries. Head to the entrance to Computing. Contijue through until you make it to the top of a flight of stairs. There will be a pouncer.

Part 3[edit | edit source]

Part 4[edit | edit source]

Part 5[edit | edit source]

Final Part[edit | edit source]

You will eventually reach a locked door, along with crates containing items and an ammo crate. You will need to interact with the door to get to the scientist, though once the door is being cut open automatically, Aliens will bergin to attack. This is also where the Xenomorph, dubbed Monica, will reappear. Monica will behave essentially like the Xeno drones, where she will hide if she is significantly damaged and reappear after a while. Make sure to eliminate the other xenos while the Monica xeno goes into the vents. Also be aware of any spitter xenos because they can be sometimes hidden behind some of the scenery. It is recommended to stay close to the target door so that the aliens do not flank you, though you should also try to stay out of the close combat range of most of the xeno types. Once Monica has been defeated, eliminate the rest of the stragglers ands enter through the door and come face to face with Honniker. The mission will then end.