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The house is where the player can display items they have collected. As you progress through the game you can expand your living space through the Town Hall. Houses can be furnished with many different items; this opens up possibilities for higher scores with the Happy Room Academy.

One of the first things you have to do when you arrive in town is to arrange the location of a home with Kapp'n. When you speak with Kapp'n you will have the option to chose the location of your new home. Including next to the Beach, Town Hall, Museum, Tom Nook's and Able Sisters Store, the border.

House expansion follows a set path that will eventually create a two-story mansion with an attic. Each expansion costs more Bells than the last, and you can't get a new expansion before you pay off your home loan to Tom Nook via the Bank.

Initial Path[edit | edit source]

Your next few upgrades will be in this order:

  • 4x4 Main Room - 19,800
  • 6x6 Main Room - 120,000
  • 8x8 Main Room - 298,000
  • Second Floor - 598,000
  • Left of Main Room - 728,000
  • Right of Main Room - 848,000
  • Back of Main Room - 948,000