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Arcade,PlayStation 2
  • The Eternal Guard (Arcane of Earth)

As steadfast as the clay from which he was made, Ohtsuchi has protected his followers for centuries. Maori’s family has prayed to him for generations, and he gladly repays the adoration.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Arcana Heart[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Passive Effect Increased defense. Charge + or +
Passive Effect Shield while homing. +
Force Effect Large defense increase, but cannot block.
Kaname Ishi ()
Kaichimon ()
Kaichimon Sakkido ()
Kaichimon Mekkijin
Ooharae Kotoba ++

Arcana Heart 2[edit | edit source]

Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2[edit | edit source]

Arcana Heart 3[edit | edit source]

Passive Effect
Iwato +
Banjaku or + (hold)
Special Attack
Kaname Ishi +
Kaichimon +
Super Attack
Kaichimon Sakkidou +
Kaitenfu Mekkijin +
Extend Force
Chireison Ikusabugyou
Arcana Blaze
Ohtsuchi no Kami
Charae no Kotoba

Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!!, 3 Love Max Six Stars!!!!!![edit | edit source]

Passive Effect
Iwato +
Banjaku or + (hold)
Special Attack
Kaname Ishi +
Kaichimon +
Super Attack
Kaichimon Sakkidou +
Kaitenfu Mekkijin +
Extend Force
Chireison Ikusabugyou
Arcana Eclipse
Kaichimon Seshoudan +
Arcana Blaze
Ohtsuchi no Kami
Charae no Kotoba