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Arcade,PlayStation 2
  • The Raging Zephyr (Arcana of Wind)

He embodies the gracefulness of the wind and the freedom of a bird. Tempestas has found a kindred spirit in the capricious Lilica, who helped nurse him back to health when he was injured. They have since formed an inseparable bond.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Arcana Heart[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Passive Effect Pushes opponent away. +
Passive Effect You get three jumps and two air dashes.
Force Effect You get four jumps and three air dashes.
Flax ()
Vertex ()
Falcis ()
Abolere ++

Arcana Heart 2[edit | edit source]

Suggoi! Arcana Heart 2[edit | edit source]

Arcana Heart 3[edit | edit source]

Passive Effect
Aura (Third
Air Jump)
(after double jump)
or or
Aura (Second
Air Dash)
(after aerial dash)
Velox +
Scutum (while blocking) +
Fortia or + (hold)
Special Attack
Sicilis +
Vertex +
Super Attack
Falx +
Extend Force
Arcana Blaze
Aboleo +

Arcana Heart 3 Love Max!!!!!, 3 Love Max Six Stars!!!!!![edit | edit source]

Passive Effect
Aura (Third
Air Jump)
(after double jump)
or or
Aura (Second
Air Dash)
(after aerial dash)
Velox +
Scutum (while blocking) +
Fortia or + (hold)
Special Attack
Sicilis +
Vertex +
Super Attack
Falx +
Extend Force
Arcana Eclipse
Torens +
Arcana Blaze
Aboleo +