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Stage 6[edit | edit source]

Once your tank has landed, and the area's first theme (which is identical to the one of Memorial Land Forever) starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 (for a second time), you will have to start moving forward, before choosing one of two paths; regardless of which path you choose, a group of four 101 Scouters will come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired one shot at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left and continue moving forward as eight holes in the ground open up and eight UFO Launchers emerge from them while firing laser beams at you - and once you have popped a wheelie and fired a nuclear missile at each of these to kill them, you will have to turn to the right and continue moving forward as four more 101 Scouters come rolling up towards you while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you will come to six Parking Tanks that are sitting in place; once you have fired off a shot at each of them to kill them you will have to turn to the left as you come to two Type 3 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired thirty-two shots at both of these two to kill them, the text "PLAYER 1UP STAGE 06 CLEAR" will appear upon the screen - and the text "TIME BONUS! XX*50 POINTS XXX0 POINTS" (for a sixth time now, the "X"s being the number of seconds you had remaining and the product of it when it is multiplied by 50) will appear upon the screen, as the pair of exit gates at the top of the room open up and you receive 50 bonus points for every second you have remaining. Also, if you had managed to finish this stage (which you can start out on, if the arcade operator has set the "ROUND SELECT" setting in the game's options menu to "ON") with exactly 0 seconds left, you will receive a time bonus of 210 x 50 points (10500 points) which indicates that you had 3:30 to clear this stage in; now for Stage 7, so once this area's second theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151, you will have to turn back to the left, before you can start moving forward again, then turn to the right before continuing forward, then turn to the right before continuing forward again, then turn to the left again and pass through the aforementioned pair of opened-up exit gates at the top of the room to enter it.

Stage 7[edit | edit source]

Once you have passed through that pair of opened-up exit gates, you will have to continue moving forward as four Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired four shots at each of them to kill them (for they take one more hit than usual to kill here), you will come to a Jump Zone that is flashing red. If you drive your tank onto it, it will be raised up into the air - and from here it will be able to drop nuclear missiles on the enemies, just like it does when it pops a wheelie. Once your tank has dropped back down to the ground you will have the chance to drive it onto the Jump Zone and get it raised into the air twice more, before its colour changes from flashing red to solid black (which indicates that you cannot use it any more); you will then have to turn to the left and continue moving forward, as the maximum of eight more Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired four shots at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the right and continue moving forward as this thirteenth Type 1 Armoured Tank comes rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you - and once you've fired four shots at it to kill it, you will come to six Parking Tanks that are sitting in place. Once you have fired a shot at each of these, to kill them, you will have to turn to the right as two more Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired four shots at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left as you come to a Type 3 Cannon that is firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired thirty-two shots at it to kill it, you will have to continue moving forward, as three more Type 1 Armoured Tanks and one Type 7-A Tank come rolling up towards you, while firing orange projectiles and small missiles at you - and once you've fired off four shots at each of the Type 1 Armoured Tanks to kill them and forty-eight shots at the Type 7-A Tank to kill it you'll have to turn to the left as you come up to another Type 3 Cannon that is firing pink projectiles at you. Once you've fired off thirty-two shots at this one to kill it the text "PLAYER 1UP STAGE 07 CLEAR" will appear upon the screen; the text "TIME BONUS! XX*50 POINTS XXX0 POINTS" (for a seventh time, the "X"s being the number of seconds you have remaining, and the product of it when it is multiplied by 50) will then appear upon the screen as the pair of exit gates on the right side of the room open up and you receive 50 bonus points for every second you have remaining. Also, if you managed to finish this stage with exactly 0 seconds left, you will receive a time bonus of 150 x 50 points (7500 points) - which indicates that you had 2:30 to clear this stage in. Now for Stage 8; once this area's third theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151, you will have to turn back to the left and start moving forward again, before choosing one of four paths (but if you do not choose the fourth path, one of three different nineteenth Type 1 Armoured Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you and you will have to fire four shots at the one that is rolling towards you to kill it), then turning to the right and continuing forward before passing through that second pair of opened-up exit gates.

Stage 8[edit | edit source]

Once you've passed through that pair of opened-up exit gates, you will have to turn to the right, then continue moving forward as three Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired four shots at each of them to kill them, you will come up to two Type 2 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired twenty shots at both of these to kill them, you will have to turn to the left, then continue moving forward as you come to six Parking Tanks that are sitting in place - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, five 101 Scouters will come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left, then continue moving forward as six Type 7-B Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you; once you have fired forty-eight shots at each of these to kill them (they take thirty-two more hits than usual to kill here), you will come to a Type 3 Cannon that is firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired off thirty-two shots at it to kill it, you will have to turn to the left, and continue moving forward as three more Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you - and once you have fired four shots at each of these, to kill them, you'll come to six more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place. Once you've fired off a shot at each of these, to kill them, you will come to two more Type 2 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you; once you have fired twenty shots at both of them to kill them, the text of "PLAYER 1UP STAGE 08 CLEAR" will appear on the screen. The text of "TIME BONUS! XX*50 POINTS XXX0 POINTS" (for an eighth time, the "X"s being the number of seconds you had remaining, and the product of it when it is multiplied by 50) will appear on the screen, as that pair of exit gates on the right side of the room open up, and you'll receive 50 bonus points for every second you have remaining - and if you had managed to finish this stage with exactly 0 seconds left, you will receive a time bonus of 150 x 50 points (7500 points), which indicates that you have 2:30 to clear this stage in. Now for Stage 9; and once this area's third theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a second time, you will have to make a 180-degree clockwise (or anticlockwise, if you want to) turn and start to move forward again, then turn to the right and continue moving forward, before turning to the left and passing through those opened-up exit gates. Once you have cleared the ninth stage, you'll be dropped back down to the previous area (for what will be the now-populated tenth stage).

Stage 9[edit | edit source]

Once you have passed through those opened-up exit gates you will have to continue moving forward as you come to a Jump Zone that is flashing red; if you drive your tank onto it, it will be raised into the air, and it will be able to drop nuclear missiles on the enemies, just like it does when it pops a wheelie. Once your tank has dropped back down to the ground, you'll have the opportunity to drive it onto that Jump Zone and get it raised into the air twice more before its colour changes from flashing red to solid black (which indicates that you cannot use it any more); you'll then have to continue moving forwards as a maximum of ten 101 Scouters come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you've fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you will have to turn to the right, and continue moving forward, as three Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you - and once you have fired four shots at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left before you continue moving forward as a group of two more 101 Scouters and six Type 2 Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired off a single shot at both of the 101 Scouters to kill them and four shots at each of the Type 2 Tanks, to kill them (they take three more hits than usual to kill here), four more Type 1 Armoured Tanks will come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired four shots at each of them to kill them, six Type 3 Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired three shots at each of them to kill them (they will take two more hits than usual to kill here), a Type 7-A Tank will come rolling towards you, while firing small missiles at you - and once you have fired off forty-eight shots at it to kill it, you will have to turn to the right then continue moving forward as a Type 7-B Tank, a second Type 7-A Tank, and an eighth Type 1 Armoured Tank come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles (in sixteen directions regarding the Type 7-B Tank) and small missiles at you. Once you have fired forty-eight shots at the Type 7-B Tank and the Type 7-A Tank to kill them, and four shots at that Type 1 Armoured Tank to kill it, you will have to turn to the left and continue moving forward as you come to another Jump Zone that is flashing red; again, if you drive your tank onto it, it will be raised into the air, and it will be able to drop nuclear missiles upon the enemies, just like it does when it pops a wheelie. Once your tank has dropped back down to the ground, you will again have the opportunity to drive it onto that Jump Zone and get it raised up into the air twice more, before its colour changes from flashing red to solid black (which, again, indicates that you cannot use it any more) - and you'll then have to continue moving forward as you come to a Type 1 Cannon and a Type 2 Cannon that are firing pink projectiles at you; once you've fired a maximum of ten shots at the Type 1 Cannon to kill it, and a maximum of twenty shots at the Type 2 Cannon to kill it, you have to turn to the left and continue moving forward, as another Type 7-B Tank comes rolling towards you while firing projectiles in sixteen directions at you. Once you have fired a maximum of forty-eight shots at it to kill it, you will come up to another Type 1 Cannon and another Type 2 Cannon that are firing pink projectiles at you - and once you have fired off a maximum of ten shots at this second Type 1 Cannon to kill it and a maximum of twenty shots at this second Type 2 Cannon to kill it, you will have to turn to the right and continue moving forward as a third Type 7-B Tank comes rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you. Once you have fired a maximum of forty-eight shots at it to kill it, you'll come up to a third Type 1 Cannon and a third Type 2 Cannon, that are firing pink projectiles at you; once you have fired a maximum of ten shots at this third Type 1 Cannon to kill it and a maximum of twenty shots at this third Type 2 Cannon to kill it you have to turn to the right and continue moving forward as a fourth Type 7-B Tank comes rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you. Once you have fired a maximum of forty-eight shots at it to kill it, you'll come up to a fourth Type 1 Cannon and fourth Type 2 Cannon, that are firing pink projectiles at you - and once you have fired off a maximum of ten shots at this fourth Type 1 Cannon to kill it and a maximum of twenty shots at this fourth Type 2 Cannon to kill it, the text of "PLAYER 1UP STAGE 09 CLEAR" will appear upon the screen. That first "area clear" theme will then start to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a third time, as the text "TIME BONUS! XX*50 POINTS XXX0 POINTS" (for the ninth time, the "X"s being the number of seconds you had remaining and the product of it when it is multiplied by 50) appears upon the screen and your tank makes a 180-degree anticlockwise turn, moves forward, makes a 90-degree anticlockwise turn, moves over the area's exit hatch, and makes a second 180-degree anticlockwise turn while you are receiving 50 bonus points for every second you have remaining; once that exit hatch has opened up, the text "NOW YOU ASSAULT ON NEXT STAGE!!" will appear on the screen for the fourth time as your tank is raised high into the air and dropped through the hatch leading back to the game's third area, Crops Grow in River Side.

Stage 11[edit | edit source]

It is advisable to first read the section about the tenth stage on the previous page before reading this section of the page given that it is for the last stage.

Once your tank has landed and the area's third theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a third and final time, you will have to turn to the left, then start moving forward as you come to three Type 1 Torchikas that are firing four orange projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to two Type 3 Cannons, that are firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired thirty-two shots at both of these to kill them, you will come to six Parking Tanks that are sitting in place - and once you have fired a shot at each of these, to kill them, you will have to continue moving forward, as you come to five more Type 1 Torchikas, that are firing four orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you'll have to turn to the left, then continue moving forward as you come to twenty-five more Type 1 Torchikas that are firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come up to six more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place. Once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you will come up to two more Type 3 Cannons, that are firing pink projectiles at you - and once you have fired thirty-two shots at both of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left and continue moving forward as you come up to fifteen more Type 1 Torchikas that are firing four orange projectiles at you. Once you've fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you'll have to turn to the left then continue moving forward as you come to six more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place; once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you will come to two more Type 3 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired thirty-two shots at both of them to kill them, you will come to thirty-two more Type 1 Torchikas, that are firing four orange projectiles at you - and once you've fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you'll come to six more Parking Tanks, that are sitting in place. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to two more Type 3 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you; once you have fired thirty-two shots at both of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left, then continue moving forward as you come to two more Type 1 Torchikas that are firing four orange projectiles at you. Once you've fired a shot at both of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the right and continue moving forward, as two Type 7-B Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you - and once you have fired off forty-eight shots at both of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left then continue moving forward as you come to six more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place. Once you have fired off a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to two more Type 3 Cannons, that are firing pink projectiles at you; once you have fired thirty-two shots at both of them to kill them, you will come to six more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place. Once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you'll have to turn to the left and continue moving forward as a third Type 7-B Tank comes rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you - and once you've fired forty-eight shots at it, to kill it, you will come to twelve more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place, and four more Type 1 Torchikas, that are firing four orange projectiles at you. Once you've fired off a shot at each of these to kill them, you'll have to continue moving forward, as two holes in the ground open up, and two UFO Launchers will emerge from them while firing laser beams at you; once you have popped a wheelie and fired off a nuclear missile at these to kill them, a fourth Type 7-B Tank will come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you. Once you have fired forty-eight shots at it, to kill it, you will come to twelve more Parking Tanks that are sitting in their placing, two more Type 1 Torchikas that are firing four orange projectiles at you, and two more Type 3 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you - and once you have fired a single shot at each of the Parking Tanks (and Type 1 Torchikas) to kill them, and thirty-two shots at both of the Type 3 Cannons to kill them, you'll have to continue moving forward as two more holes in the ground open up and two more UFO Launchers emerge from them while firing laser beams at you. Once you have popped another wheelie and fired a nuclear missile at both of them to kill them, a fifth Type 7-B Tank will come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you; once you have fired forty-eight shots at it to kill it, you will come to twelve more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place and four more Type 1 Torchikas that are firing four orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them you will have to turn to the right and continue moving forward as four more Type 7-B Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you - and once you have fired forty-eight shots at each of these, to kill them, a Black Generator will hover into view above you while dropping small missiles on you. Once you have popped a third wheelie, then fired twenty nuclear missiles up at it, it will disappear (however, as with the one that was on the previous stage, if you manage to fire one into its centre hole, it will disappear immediately); you will then come up to twelve more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place, two more Type 1 Torchikas that are firing four orange projectiles at you and two more Type 3 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you. Once you've fired a singular shot at each of the Parking Tanks (and Type 1 Torchikas) to kill them, and thirty-two shots at both of the Type 3 Cannons to kill them, you will have to turn to the right then continue moving forward as a tenth Type 7-B Tank comes rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you - and once you have fired forty-eight shots at it to kill it you will come to twelve more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place and four more Type 1 Torchikas that are firing four orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you'll have to continue moving forward, as two more holes in the ground open up and two more UFO Launchers emerge from them while firing laser beams at you; once you've popped a fourth wheelie, and fired a nuclear missile at both of these to kill them, you will come to twelve more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place, two more Type 1 Torchikas that are firing four orange projectiles at you and two more Type 3 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of the Parking Tanks (and Type 1 Torchikas) to kill them, and thirty-two shots at both of the Type 3 Cannons to kill them the text "PLAYER 1UP STAGE 11 CLEAR" will appear on the screen - and the second "area clear" theme will then start to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a third and final time, as your tank performs a 90-degree clockwise turn, moves forward, performs another 90-degree clockwise turn, and moves onto a third launching pad while the text "TIME BONUS! XX*50 POINTS XXX0 POINTS" (for an eleventh and final time, the "X"s being the number of seconds you had remaining, and the product of it when it's multiplied by 50) appears on the screen and you receive 50 bonus points for every second you have remaining. The text "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU REGAIN YOUR MOTHER PLANET AND ETERNAL PEACE!" will then appear on the screen, as your tank is launched up into the air and the screen fades out; if you managed to finish this stage with exactly 0 seconds left, you will receive a time bonus of 270 x 50 points (13500 points), which indicates that you have 4:30 to clear this stage in. You can now sit back and enjoy the ending (unless the arcade operator had set that "ROUND SELECT" setting in the game's options menu to "ON", and you chose to start on the 6th stage - in which case the game will immediately go into high-score mode, so you can only see it if you start from the beginning):

WIDTH 12.55M

POWER 14,400hp
REVOLUTION 30,500rpm
MAX SPEED 70km/h
[able to maintain]















Once the credits have finished, the game will go into high-score mode; your score will most likely be the highest upon the cabinet to date, so you should enter your name (up to 7 characters) at the top of the table with pride, using either stick. Once you have done it, the game will go back into attract mode.