Stage 3[edit | edit source]
Once your tank has landed and the area's theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151, you will have to turn to the left before you start moving forward as seven Type 3 Tanks come rolling towards you while firing pink projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will again have to turn to the left then continue moving forward as six Type 1 Tanks and two Type 7B Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you (the two Type 7-B Tanks will be firing them in sixteen directions). Once you have fired a single shot at each of the Type 1 Tanks and a total of sixteen shots at both of the Type 7-B Tanks to kill them, four more Type 3 Tanks and five Type 1 Armoured Tanks will come rolling towards you, while firing pink and orange projectiles at you - and once you have fired a single shot at each of the Type 3 Tanks and three shots at each of the Type 1 Armoured Tanks to kill them, you will come to three Type 1 Cannons and a Type 2 Cannon, that are firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired ten shots at each of the Type 1 Cannons to kill them and twenty shots at the Type 2 Cannon to kill it, the text "PLAYER 1UP STAGE 03 CLEAR" will appear on the screen; the text of "TIME BONUS! XX*50 POINTS XXX0 POINTS" (once again, the "X"s being the number of seconds you had remaining and the product of it when it is multiplied by 50) will then appear on the screen while the exit gates in front of your tank slide open, and you receive 50 bonus points for every second of time you have remaining. Also, if you had managed to finish this stage with exactly 0 seconds left, you will receive a time bonus of 110 x 50 points (5500 points) - which indicates that you have 1:50 to clear this stage in. Now for Stage 4.
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
Once the area's theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a second time, you will have to drive through the opened-up exit gates and turn to the left before you start moving forward as six Type 1 Tank come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them you will come to a Jump Zone that is flashing red. If you drive your tank onto it, it will be raised into the air - and from here, it will be able to drop nuclear missiles on the enemies, just like it does when it pops a wheelie. Once your tank has dropped back down to the ground, you will have the opportunity to drive it onto the Jump Zone and get it raised into the air twice more before its colour changes from flashing red to solid black (which indicates that you cannot use it any more); you will then have to turn to the right as you come to another Jump Zone that is flashing red. Again, if you drive your tank onto it, it will be raised high into the air and be able to drop nuclear missiles on the enemies just like it does when it pops a wheelie - and once the tank has dropped back down to the ground, you will again have the opportunity to drive it onto the Jump Zone twice more before its colour changes from flashing red to solid black (which again indicates that you cannot use it any more) - and you will then have to continue moving forward, as a maximum of five Type 5 Tanks, three Type 3 Tanks, and five more Type 1 Tanks come rolling towards you while firing small missiles and pink/orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired a total of eight shots at each of the Type 5 Tanks to kill them and a single shot at each of the Type 3 and Type 1 Tanks to kill them, you will have to turn to the left as a Generator hovers into view above you while firing small missiles at you; once you have popped a wheelie and fired eight nuclear missiles up at it, it will disappear (however, if you manage to fire one up into its centre hole it will disappear immediately). You will now have to continue moving forward as you come to seven Type 1 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you - and once you have fired ten shots at each of them to kill them, the text "PLAYER 1UP STAGE 04 CLEAR" will appear on the screen. That text "TIME BONUS! XX*50 POINTS XXX0 POINTS" (yet again, the "X"s being the number of seconds you had remaining and the product of it when it is multiplied by 50) will then appear upon the screen while the second pair of exit gates in front of your tank slide open, and you receive 50 bonus points for every second of time you have remaining; also, if you had managed to finish this stage with exactly 0 seconds left, you will receive the time bonus of 130 x 50 points (6500 points), which indicates that you have 2:10 to clear this stage in. Now for Stage 5; you will also have the opportunity to explore that not-yet-populated tenth stage at the end of it.
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
Once the area's theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a third time you will have to drive through the opened-up exit gates before you start moving forward, as two Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired three shots at both of these to kill them, a Type 5 Tank and a Type 7-B Tank will come rolling towards you while firing small missiles and orange projectiles (in sixteen directions) at you. Once you've fired a total of eight shots at the Type 5 Tank to kill it, and sixteen shots at the Type 7-B Tank to kill it, two Type 4 Tanks will emerge from the water and come rolling towards you while firing pink projectiles at you - and once you have fired twelve shots at both of them to kill them, you will come to a Jump Zone that is flashing red. If you drive the tank onto it, it will be raised into the air; from here, it will be able to drop nuclear missiles on the enemies, just like it does when it pops a wheelie - and once your tank is dropped back down to the ground, you will have the opportunity to drive it onto the Jump Zone and get it raised up into the air twice more, before its colour changes from flashing red to solid black (which indicates that you cannot use it any more). You will now have to continue moving forward as a maximum of eight 501 Fourlegs come hovering towards you while firing small missiles at you; once you've fired a shot at each of these to kill them, another Type 5 Tank will come rolling towards you while firing small missiles at you. Once you have fired eight shots at it to kill it, three more Type 4 Tanks will emerge from the water, and come rolling towards you while firing pink projectiles at you - and once you have fired twelve shots at each of these ones to kill them, eight Type 1 Tanks and eight Type 3 Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing orange and pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will come to another Jump Zone that is flashing red; again, if you drive your tank onto it, it will be raised into the air, and it will again be able to drop nuclear missiles on the enemies, just like it does when it pops a wheelie. Once your tank has dropped back down to the ground, you will have that opportunity to drive it up to that Jump Zone and get it raised into the air twice more before its colour changes from flashing red to solid black (which again indicates that you cannot use it any more) - and you will then have to continue moving forward, as the maximum of six more 501 Fourlegs come hovering towards you while firing small missiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them three more Type 1 Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, eight more 501 Fourlegs will come hovering towards you, while firing small missiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left and continue moving forward as two 101 Scouters and a Type 7-A Tank come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you - and once you have fired a single shot at both of the 101 Scouters to kill them and sixteen shots at the Type 7-A Tank to kill it, four holes in the ground will open up and four UFO Launchers will emerge from them while firing laser beams at you. Once you have popped a wheelie and fired a nuclear missile at each of them to kill them (you should remember that it's the only way you can), four more 101 Scouters will come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you; once you've fired off a shot at each of them to kill them, two more holes in the ground will open up, and two more UFO Launchers will emerge from them while firing laser beams at you. Once you have popped another wheelie and fired a nuclear missile at both of these to kill them, three more 101 Scouters will come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, two more holes in the ground will open up, and two more UFO Launchers will emerge from them while firing laser beams at you. Once you have popped a third wheelie, and fired a nuclear missile at both of these to kill them, you'll come to six Parking Tanks that are sitting in place; once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them (they can neither move or fire back), a tenth 101 Scouter will come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at this one to kill it, you will come to six more Parking Tanks that are sitting in place - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them you will have to turn to the left and continue moving forward as two more 101 Scouters come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at both of these to kill them, two more 101 Scouters will come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired a shot at both of them, to kill them, four more holes in the ground will open up, and four more UFO Launchers will emerge from them, while firing laser beams at you. Once you have popped a fourth wheelie and fired off a nuclear missile at each of these, to kill them, eight more 501 Fourlegs will come hovering towards you, while firing small missiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, two more holes in the ground will open up and two more UFO Launchers will emerge from them while firing laser beams at you. Once you have popped a fifth wheelie and fired off a nuclear missile at both of these, to kill them, two Type 6 Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing pink projectiles at you; once you have fired off sixteen shots at both of them to kill them, three more Type 1 Armoured Tanks will come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired three shots at each of these, to kill them, ten more 501 Fourlegs will come hovering towards you, while firing small missiles at you - and once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, you will come to a third Jump Zone, that is flashing red. Once again, if you drive your tank onto it, it will rise into the air; from here, it will once again be able to drop nuclear missiles on the enemies, just like it does when it pops a wheelie. Once your tank has dropped back down to the ground, you will, once again, have the opportunity to drive it onto the Jump Zone and get it raised into the air twice more before its colour changes from flashing red to solid black (which once again indicates that you cannot use it any more) - and you will now have to continue moving forward as a maximum of four more Type 5 Tanks come rolling towards you while firing small missiles at you. Once you have fired eight shots at each of these ones to kill them, three more Type 4 Tanks will emerge from the water and come rolling towards you while firing pink projectiles at you; once you have fired twelve shots at each of them to kill them, six more 501 Fourlegs will come hovering towards you, while firing small missiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of these, to kill them, six more Type 3 Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing pink projectiles at you; once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, another Type 7-B Tank and a seventh Type 5 Tank will come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions and small missiles at you. Once you have fired sixteen shots at the Type 7-B Tank to kill it and eight shots at the Type 5 Tank to kill it you will come up to a fourth Jump Zone that is flashing red - and yet again, if you drive your tank onto it, it will be raised into the air, and it will yet again be able to drop nuclear missiles on the enemies, just like it does when it pops a wheelie. Once your tank has dropped back down to the ground, you will yet again have the opportunity to drive it onto the Jump Zone and get it raised into the air twice more before its colour changes from flashing red to solid black (which, yet again, indicates that you cannot use it any more); and you will then have to continue moving forward, as seven more holes in the ground open up, and seven more UFO Launchers emerge from them while firing laser beams at you. Once you have popped a sixth wheelie and fired a nuclear missile at each of them to kill them, three more Type 4 Tanks will emerge from the water and come rolling towards you, while firing pink projectiles at you - and once you've fired twelve shots at each of these to kill them, six more 501 Fourlegs will come hovering towards you, while firing small missiles at you. Once you have fired off a shot at each of them to kill them, an eighth Type 5 Tank and a sixth Type 1 Armoured Tank will come rolling towards you (while firing small missiles and orange projectiles at you); once you have fired eight shots at the Type 5 Tank to kill it, and three shots at the Type 1 Armoured Tank to kill it, six last holes in the ground will open up, and six last UFO Launchers will emerge from them while firing laser beams at you. Once you have popped a seventh wheelie and fired off a nuclear missile at each of these to kill them, four more Type 5 Tanks, four more Type 6 Tanks, two more Type 7-A Tanks (and a third Type 7-B Tank) will come rolling towards you while firing small missiles and pink/orange projectiles at you (the Type 7-B Tank will fire them off in sixteen directions) - and once you have fired off eight shots at each of the Type 5 Tanks to kill them, and sixteen shots at each of those Type 6 Tanks, both of the Type 7-A Tanks, and the Type 7-B Tank to kill them, you will have to turn to the left and continue moving forward before choosing one of four paths through a hedge maze. If you choose that first path, you will have to turn around and going back because it is a dead end - however, if you choose that second path, you will have to drive around the wall at the end of it, before turning to the left and continuing forward. If you choose that third path, three more 101 Scouters will come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you (three more different ones will also come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you if you decide to take that fourth path, but you will have to turn around and go back once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them because it is another dead end), and once you have fired a shot at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left, before turning to the right, then continuing forward, as seven more Type 3 Tanks come rolling towards you, while firing pink projectiles at you. Once you've fired a shot at each of these, to kill them, you will come to six Type 1 Cannons and a Type 3 Cannon that are firing pink projectiles at you; once you've fired ten shots at each of the Type 1 Cannons to kill them and thirty-two shots at that Type 3 Cannon to kill it, the text of "PLAYER 1UP STAGE 05 CLEAR" will appear on the screen. The second "area clear" theme will then start to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151, as your tank moves forward onto a launching pad, and the text "TIME BONUS! XX*50 POINTS XXX0 POINTS" (for a fifth time here, the "X"s being the number of seconds you had remaining and the product of it when it is multiplied by 50) appears on the screen; the text "NOW YOU ASSAULT ON NEXT STAGE!!" will then appear on the screen for a third time, as your tank is launched into the air and through an entry (as opposed to exit) hatch to that last unique area, And Reconstruct Our Ruined Home (which is the setting for the next four stages, along with that eleventh and final stage). Also, if you had managed to finish this stage with exactly 0 seconds left, you will receive a time bonus of 360 x 50 points (18000 points) - which indicates that you had 6:00 to clear this stage in. However, one thing that many players do not know is that once you have killed off the third and fourth Type 1 Cannons on this stage, you will have the opportunity to pass through that already-opened third pair of exit gates that they were standing in front of as eight more Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired three shots at each of them to kill them, you will be able to explore the not-yet-populated tenth stage (but you should still be mindful of the ever-decreasing time limit if you do).
Stage 10[edit | edit source]
It is advisable to first read the sections about the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth stages on the next page before reading this section of the current page.
Once your tank has landed, and this area's theme starts to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a fourth time after a five-stage absence, start moving forward as a Type 1 Armoured Tank comes rolling towards you while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired off four shots at it to kill it, eight 501 Fourlegs will hover towards you while firing small missiles at you. Once you've fired a shot at each of these to kill them, a Black Generator will hover into view above you, while dropping small missiles on you - and once you have fired a total of twenty nuclear missiles up at it, it will disappear (however, if you manage to fire one into its centre hole, it will disappear immediately). You will then have to continue moving forward, as two Type 7-B Tanks come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you; once you have fired forty-eight shots at both of these to kill them, a Type 3 Tank will come rolling towards you, while firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired three shots at it to kill it, two Type 7-A Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing small missiles at you - and once you have fired forty-eight shots at both of them to kill them three Type 6 Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing pink projectiles at you. Once you've fired forty-eight shots at each of them to kill them (they'll take thirty-two more hits than usual to kill here), you'll have to turn to the left, then continue moving forward, as nine more Type 3 Tanks come rolling towards you while firing pink projectiles at you; once you have fired three shots at each of them to kill them, four more 501 Fourlegs will come hovering towards you while firing small missiles at you. Once you've fired one shot at each of them to kill them two more Type 7-A Tanks and two more Type 7-B Tanks will come rolling towards you while firing off small missiles and orange projectiles in sixteen directions at you - and once you have fired off forty-eight shots at each of them to kill them, four 101 Scouters will come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you. Once you have fired a shot at each of these to kill them, four more 501 Fourlegs will come hovering towards you while firing small missiles at you; once you've fired a shot at each of them to kill them, four more Type 3 Tanks will come rolling towards you, while firing pink projectiles at you. Once you have fired three shots at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the right, and then continue moving forward, as six more Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you - and once you've fired four shots at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left and continue moving forward, as a Type 5 Tank comes rolling towards you while firing small missiles at you. Once you've fired off thirty shots at it to kill it (they'll take twenty-two more hits than usual to kill here), you will have to turn to the left, then continue moving forward, as eleven more Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you, while firing orange projectiles at you; once you have fired off four shots at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the right, and continue moving forward, as four holes in the ground open up, and four UFO Launchers emerge from them while firing laser beams at you. Once you've popped a wheelie and fired a nuclear missile at these to kill them, you will have to turn to the left, then continue moving forward, as two more Type 5 Tanks come rolling towards you while firing small missiles at you - and once you have fired thirty shots at both of them to kill them, three more holes in the ground will open up and three more UFO Launchers will emerge from them while firing laser beams at you. Once you have popped another wheelie and fired a nuclear missile at these to kill them, you will have to turn to the left and continue moving forward as seventeen more Type 1 Armoured Tanks come rolling towards you while firing off orange projectiles at you; once you have fired four shots at each of them to kill them, you will have to turn to the left and continue moving forward as you come to four Type 1 Cannons, four Type 2 Cannons and four Type 3 Cannons that are firing pink projectiles at you. Once you've fired a total of ten shots at each of the Type 1 Cannons to kill them, twenty shots at each of the Type 2 Cannons to kill them, and thirty-two shots at each of the Type 3 Cannons to kill them, the text "PLAYER 1UP STAGE 10 CLEAR" will appear on the screen - and that second "area clear" theme will then start to be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a second time, as your tank moves forward onto another launching pad and the text "TIME BONUS! XX*50 POINTS" (for a tenth time, the "X"s being the number of seconds you have remaining, and the product of it when it is multiplied by 50) appears on the screen. The text "NOW YOU ASSAULT ON NEXT STAGE!!" will then appear on the screen for a fifth and final time as your tank gets launched into the air and through another entry (as opposed to exit) hatch to "And Reconstruct Our Ruined Home"; also, if you managed to finish this stage with exactly 0 seconds left, you will receive a time bonus of 270 x 50 points (13500 points), which indicates that you had 4:30 to clear this stage in. There is only one more stage left to go now, but it is the hardest.