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After a year in Arkham City, Batman stopped Protocol Ten but Joker sadly passed away in his arms. In this game, it will take place directly in Gotham City for the first and only time. You may still have some gadgets from the past but because of the roads, Batmobile will come into play for half of the majority, involving using as a tank, racing and exploring the city.

That's not to say that your arsenal is getting bigger. The bad henchmens will be able to revive unconcious baddies for the first time. Also, one of them can track you, should you use Detective Mode, making it harder than before. Last of all, lots of sidequests now tie in to the Batman Protocol, after finishing the story first.

Best of all, New Game Plus is available in all difficulties but be careful! The enemies and tanks can be more dangerous to handle than ever before. So be smart when upgrading your character. The best recommendation is to increase durability in armor on Batman and Batmobile. So, you can survive the game more longer. Than follow on with everything else to make it easier on yourself.