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At this point, and in various parts of thw walkthrough, you'll slowly gain access not just new areas around the map. But also missions and Gotham's Most Wanted will slowly open up as well. For now, it's completely focused on the story.

Power the Generator[edit | edit source]

Drive to your destination with your Batmobile. Grapple up the building and find the place. Batman will contact Lucius on the Power Hook. You'll be introduced to controlling the Batmobile as long as you are in range. So, follow the arrows until you reach a place to set a ramp. Be sure to use the boost or you'll fall short off the building. The next part is similar with the power hook before using the tank mode to get to the other side.

For the next part, use your power hook to get your Batmobile climbing forward to the final building before driving to the point where you first found the generator connection. Power hook it and rev the engine to get the power working. The Oracle will contact you for the other connection point.

Fear Takedown[edit | edit source]

So, grapple to the other building without the Batmobile. You'll learn there's five inside the building with one as a hostage. Grapple to the gargoyle states. Use your batarang to grab their attention. Only two will come out. It's highly recommended to silently take both down. You'll contact Lucius again after checking inside the building again. Once the delivery is made, go to it to pick it up. Although optional, take on all the tutorials before trying the fear takedown.

When you're ready, go underneath through the grate and get ready to pounce! The way it works is to first, avoid using Silent Takedown as the group would take you down quickly. Use Fear Takedown instead and make sure you move your Batman in the direction of each henchmen. Sort of like the slow motion shooting in some FPS games before going back to normal speed. Rescue the hostage and set up the final generator. The Oracle will help you set up the location of Scarecrow's fear gas.

Finding Ace Chemical Warfare[edit | edit source]

Batman will throw a special batarang in the air. You have to move both pinpoints to about the north east side. Or about the top right, depending on your interpretation. You'll contact Jim Gordon to set up police patrol outside the entrance of that chemical warehouse. Call your Batmobile and drive there to get ready for the next part of the story. If you're impatient, you can skip the cutscene to do some investigating.