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XBox (Default) PC Action
Neutral lstick  W  A  S  D  Forward, backward and strafe movement
Neutral rstick Turn left/right
A button  Space  Jump
  • Xbox: Switch vehicle seats
L button  Shift  Sprint
B button  C  Crouch
  • PC: Switch vehicle seats
  • Xbox: Trade / Exit Vehicle
L button  Z  Vehicle Horn
RT button Mouse left click Fire weapon
LT button Mouse Aim
X button  R  Reload
R button  V  Melee / Vehicle Rear view
RB button  G  Grenade / Vehicle handbrake
Neutral dpad  1  2  3  4  Select weapon slot
X button  E  Use / Pickup items / Exit vehicle
Y button  Q  Secondary Use (e.g. Revive with O2)
LB button  F  Activate Skill / Vehicle Boost
Back button  Tab  Show Status
N/A  Y  Text chat
 M  Map
 I  Inventory
 K  Skills
 L  Show logs}}
 J  Show Challenges
 _  Drop weapon
 T  Voice Chat - Push to Talk
B button  X  Trade Items

The XBox controller can be configured with one of several types of presets. It is also possible to reconfigure a preset by pressing Y button in the options menu when viewing the preset.