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Stage 1[edit]

Walk to the right, jumping up and over the block and staircase in your way, as well as the small gap. When you get to the tower too tall to jump over, create a block and drop it next to the tower, creating a staircase, and allowing you to grab the crown and exit the stage through the door.

Stage 2[edit]

Create a block and use it to get over the tower, then jump up the small stair before creating another block to jump up the larger one. Create another block and drop it under the crown, then jump to reach the crown. Finally, create two more blocks to reach the top of the final big staircase.

Stage 3[edit]

Create two blocks to the right and throw it onto the small step below you. Jump over the gap and up the step. Create two more blocks to the right and throw them onto the floating block, then jump over and up again. Finally, create one block to the right and one up, throw them into the pit, and jump over and up once more to reach the crown and exit the stage.

Stage 4[edit]

Create two blocks to the right and one up to create a staircase. Drop it next to the tower, and continue until the pit. Create two blocks to the right, then one up, then one to the right, then drop it and climb up. At the final section, create two blocks right and two down to make an elevated platform. Jump across the gaps to reach the crown and exit the stage.

Stage 5[edit]

Create three blocks to the right to make a platform to safely cross the spikes. Continue until you reach more spikes, then create three more blocks to the right, slide them on top of the spikes, and jump across. Create a small staircase atop the following set of spikes, then a set of two to cover the final set of spikes. Jump down to reach the crown and exit the stage.

Stage 6[edit]

Create a set of three blocks to cover the first gap, then a set of four blocks to cover the following gap. Create a staircase at the next gap, then a set of four. Jump to reach the crown mid-air, then exit the stage.