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Note: This stage has significant differences between the Genesis and SNES versions. Use the control selector to the right to ensure you have the right walkthrough.

This stage starts in a tavern-like building. Action should be relativly light, but it doesn't mean that it isn't less dangerous.

Enemies[edit | edit source]


  • Rat
  • Bat
  • Drunkard


  • Man
  • Dog
  • Drunkard

First stage[edit | edit source]

You appear in a two-story tavern-like building, at the bottom-left corner. To the left and right of the bar are two drunkards, who will occasionally shoot a projectile, along with a rat that patrols.

Proceed to the right until you reach the stack of barrels, and slowly jump up until you can reach the second floor. When safe, jump onto the second floor and continue to the top-left of the room. You should meet Van Helsing, and he will recommend choosing the torch as your weapon.

You may head right towards the exit, or proceed to the bottom-right corner of the tavern to retrieve the torch. If you want to jump down, it's safest to do so at the stack of barrels.

Second stage[edit | edit source]

Most enemies on this stage are feeble. There may be a few traps as well, but they are easily avoided simply by walking forward - as well as making sure you continue walking when you clear a trap to avoid the corresponding floor spike.

There's minor differences with trap placement in the two versions of the game.

Boss[edit | edit source]

The boss stands still, with its only attack is to flail a whip forwards. After every three whips, the boss will pause for a few seconds, allowing you to make one or two attacks.

If you brought the torch as recommended by Van Helsing, you should defeat him in eight hits.