There are five different types of stages that Bravoman will travel through in his quest to stop Dr. Bomb's plot for world domination; as he progresses through this game, new and tougher enemies will be introduced to each of the five environments, building on and mixing with the enemies that had been previously introduced. New obstacles will also be introduced to each of them for Bravoman to jump over - some of them have Katakana text on them.
City (町)[edit | edit source]
This environment forms the basis for the first, second, fifth, sixth, tenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth stages of this game; a "nocturnal" variation of this environment also forms the basis for the eighteenth stage, which is the second "immediate boss fight". Obstacles which must be jumped over in this environment include pipes, telephone boxes, buildings (some of which have Katakana-text signs sticking out of them and one of which has a Victor Records sign on top of it), telegraph poles, oil drums, industrial platforms, petrol pumps, electricity pylons and light clouds - and the primary forces of Dr. Bomb's army are employed against Bravoman in this environment, including Unbaba, Mini Tanks, Dokanga, Mogura Drills, Baninga, Mokera, Magneiza NP1, Totems, Miteguys, Kikyuu, Mad Stampers, Purazuma, Attack Bomber V9, Triga, and Bakudan. Bosses that await Bravoman at the end of stages that are set in this environment include Black Bravo and Zortan; this environment's Kanji character also reads as machi, meaning town.
Ocean (海)[edit | edit source]
This environment forms the basis for the third, seventh, eleventh, sixteenth, twenty-first, twenty-fifth, and twenty-seventh stages; the only obstacles that must be swum around (in the cases of the seventh, sixteenth, twenty-fifth, and twenty-seventh stages) are rocks, which will slowly drain Bravoman's energy if he gets trapped between one and the left side of the screen. The underwater forces of Dr. Bomb's army are employed against Bravoman in this environment, including: Kurage, Maimai Men, Dragons, Ika, Isogin, Tamashii, Pirania, Tako, Umihebi, Shells, Tatsunoko, Kame, and Gupi - also, bosses awaiting Bravoman at various points throughout stages that are set in this environment include the Twin Scuren, the King of Atlantis and the Mecha-King of Atlantis (the second and third attack by using their four henchmen). This environment's Kanji character also reads as umi, meaning sea.
Ninja Dojo (忍者屋敷)[edit | edit source]
This environment forms the basis for the fourth,eighth, twelfth, seventeenth, twenty-second, twenty-sixth, twenty-ninth, thirtieth, and thirty-first stages; a "statue-filled" variation of this environment also forms the basis for the thirteenth stage (which is the first of the six "immediate boss fight" stages), along with a "darkened" variation for the twenty-third stage (which is the third of the "IBF" stages) and a "wintry" variation for the twenty-ninth stage (this is the fourth of them). Obstacles which must be jumped over in this environment include tree trunks, receding spikes (technically named Takeken), statues of Buddha, and monuments of Dr. Bomb - the secondary forces of Dr. Bomb's army are employed against Bravoman in this environment, including Kakuremino, Ninjas, Komuso, Popo, Yogandohito, Babito, Umbrellas, and Karasu Tengu. Bosses that await Bravoman at various points throughout stages that are set in this environment include pairs of Kaname, Pistol Daimyo (who after Bomb's defeat will go on to get a game of his own in 1990), Kazaguruma Ninja, several Raigan, and Waya Hime; the third and fourth Kanji characters also read as yashiki, meaning mansion (道場 reads as dōjō).
Bonus Collection (ボーナスコレクション)[edit | edit source]
This environment forms the basis for the ninth and twenty-eighth stages of the game; the ninth stage has a "heavenly" theme, and the twenty-eighth one has a "cavernous" theme. In both stages, there are no enemies present at all - Bravoman simply has to collect as many powerups as he can in order to restore his energy (however, if his energy has been restored to full by the Onigiri energy bonuses that Lottery Man gave him at the end of the eighth stage, or the single Onigiri powerup at the end of the twenty-seventh one, the latter of which is unlikely, the Onigiri, Rāmen and Sushi powerups on both stages shall only be worth the 500 points when collected), increase his attack power, and increase his score. However, unless you collect a Shinkansen powerup on either stage, Zortan will be awaiting Bravoman at the end of that ninth stage and a pair of Kaname will be awaiting him at the end of that twenty-eighth stage; if you can collect a Kantsūken or Hadō-dan powerup during the course of either stage, they shall make the fights somewhat easier.
Secret Laboratory (爆田基地)[edit | edit source]
This environment forms that basis for the twenty-fourth and thirty-second stages; that twenty-fourth stage employs some of Dr. Bomb's primary forces against Bravoman, including five Unbaba, an Attack Bomber V9, a pair of Purazuma, a lot of Totems (including some Black and Gray ones), and the never-before-seen Block Brains, but the thirty-second stage is the domain of Dr. Bomb himself. Two pairs of Kaname will be awaiting Bravoman at the start of the stage, along with the instantly-appearing Ugo 401 - and once he has collected the Hadō-dan powerup and fired an atom at each of them to kill them, he will have to fight Black Bravo for the last time and he will take twenty-two more hits than usual to defeat here. Once Bravoman has registered the final hit on his "evil twin", he will give him five Onigiri energy bonuses to aid him in the final battle; he must then collect the Sushi powerup just before he comes to Dr. Bomb to restore his energy to full if the five Onigiri energy bonuses did not do so. The environment's four Kanji characters also read as Bakudakichi, meaning Bomb base (even though the doctor himself doesn't appear on the twenty-fourth stage, just the thirty-second one).