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Dr. Bomb:

めいろのなかで、まよいくるしめーい! (Meiro no naka de, mayoi kurushimēi!)

プレイヤー1/2ステージ17じゃ. (Pureiyā 1/2 sutēji 17 ja.)

Once Bravoman has resurfaced on dry land, the background has reappeared behind him, and his energy bar at the bottom of the screen has refilled, start running to the right until you come up to a stone staircase which has a Komuso creeping down its left side towards you; kick her twice to defeat her and collect the Fuku she has left behind, then jump over a hole at the top of the staircase to land on its right side and crawl down it. You should also not forget to jump up and collect a Rāmen powerup above you to restore some of your energy before dropping down into a cavern beneath the stage's dojo - and once you have landed in the cavern, a Karasu Tengu shall come hovering through the air towards you while spitting knives at you. Once you have kicked him to kill him and collected the Fuku he's left behind, three Babito will emerge from the cracks in the ground; once you've punched each of them to kill them, you must jump onto a static "Kanameishi" platform in mid-air, a dark marble ledge and another "Kanameishi" platform that is moving up and down in a fixed position in turn, in order to be lifted up to a stone platform. You shall now have to crouch down and crawl through the gap under another stone platform to your left before standing up again and jumping up to that previously mentioned second stone platform, then crouch down for a second time, and crawl through another gap to your right (while watching out for a Tekyuu that is receding in and out of the cavern's dark marble ceiling) before standing up once again - and once you do so, you'll have to run down a dark marble staircase leading downwards before dropping down onto a second dark marble ledge (at which point, the game's fifth Raigan will come walking into view from the right side of the screen beneath the ledge and speak the Katakana/Hiragana text of Dosu koi! Gottsu andesu. ドスコイ! ごっつあんです. to Bravoman). There are also two more Tekyuu receding in and out of the dark marble ceiling above this particular Raigan, making it somewhat harder to jump over him as he is pushing his way towards you; the safest way to attack him is to fall down to the ground, punch him in the back to send him reeling as he is pushing his way to the left, and jump back up to the ledge as he is pushing his way back to the right. Once you've done this six times and collected the Fuku he has left behind, you will have to crouch down and crawl through the gap under the second dark marble ledge to your right (while headbutting three Popo that are slithering towards you to kill them) - and once you've collected the Fuku they have left behind, you will have to stand up again as two more Komuso drop down to the ground and start creeping towards you. Once you've punched both of these twice to defeat them and collected the Fuku they have left behind, you will have to jump onto each of the paper lanterns to your left and a dark marble platform in turn; once you've done so, you shall have to jump to the right with the intention of dropping down the fourth of five gaps between four more tall dark marble platforms and collecting another Rāmen powerup to restore some more of your energy (however, if you don't jump far enough and drop down any of the first three gaps, you will not collect anything and the action will momentarily freeze as the Hiragana text Zan'nen munen, ざんねんむねん, is shown on the screen, and if you jump too far and drop down the fifth gap, you shall only collect a Suka powerup, but you can still quickly jump back to the left and drop down the fourth gap to collect the Rāmen one before it disappears). Once you've landed on the ground, you will come to another stone staircase leading upwards which has two Yogandohito standing on top of it - and once they have seen you they shall curl up into balls and start bouncing towards you. Once you have kicked both of them to kill them and collected the Fuku they have left behind, you will have to jump up to the top of the staircase, jump to the left to land on a third stone staircase and jump back to the right to land on a fourth stone staircase (which has a Green Ninja standing on it); once you've kicked him twice to kill him, and collected the Fuku he has left behind, you shall have to jump up to the top of the staircase, crouch down and crawl through a gap under the ceiling to your right onto a sixth dark marble platform. Once you have dropped down onto a third stone platform below you, you will have to drop down onto four more stone platforms in turn (while changing directions and watching out for several more Tekyuu that are moving left and right in fixed positions) - and once you have dropped down to the ground, two more Popo shall come slithering towards you. Once you've crouched down and headbutted both of these to kill them, you'll have to stand up again and collect the Fuku they've left behind before jumping up to an eighth stone platform; once you've done so, another Karasu Tengu will come hovering through the air towards you while spitting knives at you. Once you've kicked him to kill him and collected the Fuku he has left behind, you shall have to jump up to four final stone platforms in turn (while, for a second time, changing directions and watching out for several more Tekyuu which are moving left and right in fixed positions) - and once you have landed on the twelfth stone platform a fourth Komuso shall come creeping towards you. Once you have punched her twice to defeat her and collected the Fuku she has left behind you will come to four sets of four receding spikes; the only time these spikes shall not cause injury to Bravoman is when they have fully receded, so you will have to wait until each set has disappeared into the platform before you can pass over them and drop down to the ground outside the cavern. Regardless of how much time has passed on the stage, Ugo 401 will then immediately fly into view at the top of the screen without even speaking that Katakana/Hiragana text Ugō hayaku tachisarei! (ウゴーはやくたちされい!) and try to ensure Bravoman's reversion to his original form by firing laser beams at him - however, you will have to prevent this from happening by collecting a Hadō-dan powerup, then jumping up and firing four atoms at Ugo 401 to kill him. Once you've collected the Fuku he has left behind, the song you'd been hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 will fade out, and Lottery Man will speak the Katakana/Hiragana text Biba!! Berabōman. Onigiri, ku wan kai. (ビバ!! ベラボーマン. おにぎり、くわんかい) to Bravoman before giving him one Onigiri energy bonus for every ten Fuku he has collected during the stage; once he has cycled away, the "stage clear" jingle will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a seventeenth time, and Bravoman will proceed to the eighteenth stage (which is the eighth of the City variety and the second of the "immediate boss fight" variety). It is also worth noting that the four sets of four receding spikes on this stage are actually called Takeken (their name is written in Kanji as 竹剣), and they look like this: