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Dr. Bomb:

きこえてくるかなウンババののろいが! (Kikoete kuru ka na Unbaba no noroiga!)

プレイヤー1/2ステージ24じゃ. (Pureiyā 1/2 sutēji 24 ja.)

Once the background has reappeared behind Bravoman, and his energy bar at the bottom of the screen has refilled, five Unbaba will instantly appear in front of him and begin flying towards him; once you have kicked the first and second ones, punched the third and fourth ones, and crouched down and headbutted the fifth one to kill them, you must stand up again as an Attack Bomber V9 comes rolling towards you while launching missiles at you from its arms. Once you've punched it five times to kill it (yet again, a hit is registered by it being knocked back a little) and collected the Fuku it has left behind, a pair of Purazuma will come down from the ceiling, then start circling around you - and unless Lottery Man left a Hadō-dan powerup behind for you after you collected the Fuku that the Attack Bomber V9 left behind, it is impossible to avoid being electrocuted by them at least once. Once the number of hits you have landed on them amounts to five and you have collected the Fuku they have left behind, you will come to a Red Totem that is dropping down to the ground from the ceiling; after you've crouched down and headbutted it to kill it, you shall have to jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you. A Block Brain and a Foot Totem stacked on top of each other will then drop down to the ground from the ceiling - and once you have punched the Foot Totem to kill it, you will have to crouch down if it comes ricocheting back at you, then headbutt the Block Brain to kill it, and jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you, before standing up again and dropping down into a gap in the ground below you (which has a Magneiza NP1 standing in it). After you've punched the Magneiza NP1 twice to kill it and collected the Fuku it's left behind, a Kikyuu will come flying into view at the top of the screen; once you've jumped up and kicked it to bring it down to the ground you'll have to crouch down and headbutt it quickly to kill it before it gets back up again. You'll now have to stand up again and collect the Fuku it has left behind before jumping out of the gap and coming to two Green Totems that are stacked atop each other - and once you punch the first one to kill it you'll have to crouch down if it comes ricocheting back at you, then crouch down and headbutt the second one to kill it and jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you. You'll now come to another Magneiza NP1; once you've punched it twice to kill it and collected the Fuku it's left behind, you'll have to jump over a second gap in the ground which has a Tekyuu moving left and right in a fixed position above it. Once you've dropped down to the other side of this gap you'll come to a second Tekyuu that's moving left and right in a fixed position above you, along with a third Green Totem under an industrial platform which has a Hadō-dan powerup to its right - and after that powerup has disappeared, you should crouch down and give the Totem a headbutt to kill it (but if it comes ricocheting back at you, you should only jump up to avoid it if the Tekyuu is not in the way). Once you have crawled under the platform, you will come to five Black Totems (which are palette-swaps of the Red Totems) and a Blue Totem stacked on top of each other; once you've punched the Black Totem at Bravoman's arm level to kill it, you'll have to crouch down if it comes ricocheting back at him, then repeat the process for the three other Black Totems above it and the Blue Totem once they come down to his arm level. You will now have to crouch down and headbutt the final Black Totem to kill it, then jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you, before coming to four Gray Totems (which are palette-swaps of the Green Totems) stacked on top of each other - and once you've punched the one at Bravoman's arm level to kill it, you shall have to crouch down if it comes ricocheting back at him, then repeat the process for the two other Gray Totems above it after they've come down to his arm level. You will now have to crouch down and headbutt the last Gray Totem to kill it, then jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you, before coming to five more Black Totems and another Blue Totem stacked on top of each other; once you've repeated the attack you used against the first pole of five Black Totems and a Blue Totem, you'll have to jump over another industrial platform before coming to two more Red Totems and a fourth Green Totem stacked on top of each other. Once you've punched the Green Totem (that's at Bravoman's arm level) to kill it, you'll have to crouch down if it comes ricocheting back at him, then stand up again and repeat the process for the second Red Totem after it comes down to his arm level - and you now have to crouch down and headbutt the last Red Totem to kill it, then jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you as an Eye Totem, two more Red Totems and another Foot Totem stacked on top of each other drop down to the ground from the ceiling. After you've punched the Red Totem at Bravoman's arm level to kill it, you will have to crouch down if it comes ricocheting back at him then repeat the process for the Foot Totem and the fifth Red Totem when they come down to his arm level; you'll now have to crouch down and headbutt the Eye Totem to kill it, then jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you, as you come to two more Green Totems, another Eye Totem, and a third Foot Totem stacked atop each other. Once you have punched the Eye Totem at Bravoman's arm level to kill it, you shall have to crouch down if it comes ricocheting back at him then repeat the process for the fifth Green Totem and the Foot Totem when they come down to his arm level - and you shall now have to crouch down and headbutt that sixth Green Totem to kill it, then jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you. You will now have to jump onto an industrial ledge, which has a third Tekyuu moving left and right in a fixed position on its left side, then jump up onto the top of a third industrial platform above it, and drop down to the ground on the platform's right side, as you come up to a formation of fifteen more Block Brains and a third Blue Totem; crouch down and headbutt the second Block Brain to kill it and jump up if it comes ricocheting back at you, then repeat the process for the third Block Brain (and the fourth one when it comes down to your level), before crawling through the hole that all three of them have left behind and dropping down into a third gap in the ground below you. You shall now have to jump up and kick the next three Block Brains to kill them and drop back down to the ground if they come ricocheting back at you - and once you've done it, you shall have to repeat this process for the nine remaining Block Brains and the Blue Totem once they have come down to your level, before jumping out of the gap and jumping onto a fourth industrial platform in mid-air outside the laboratory. The song that you were hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 will now fade out, and Lottery Man will speak that Katakana/Hiragana text Biba!! Berabōman. Onigiri, ku wan kai. (ビバ!! ベラボーマン. おにぎり、くわんかい) to Bravoman before giving him one Onigiri energy bonus for every ten Fuku he's collected during the stage; however, if you missed the platform you'll land on the ground, and will have to jump up to collect the Onigiri energy bonuses when they roll off the edge of the platform and through the air. Once Lottery Man has cycled away (on the air), the "stage clear" theme will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a twenty-fourth time and Bravoman shall proceed to the twenty-fifth stage, which is the sixth and penultimate one of the Ocean variety (there are now also only eight more stages to clear).