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Dr. Bomb:

ちゃのみともだちぼしゅうじゃ! (Cha nomi tomodachi bo shū ja!)

プレイヤー1/2ステージ27じゃ. (Pureiyā 1/2 sutēji 27 ja.)

Once Bravoman's energy bar has refilled at the bottom of the screen and the background has reappeared he will plunge into the water and transform into his fish-like underwater form for a seventh and final time; as on the seventh, sixteenth and twenty-fifth stages, the rock formations that Bravoman will encounter in this stage are harmless, but if he gets trapped between one and the left side of the screen, it will slowly but surely drain his energy. The first rock formation of the stage has a gap leading through its middle with two Tekyuu that are receding in and out of the lower part - and a Tako will also approach you before firing a spiked ball at you and retreating. Once you have fired a missile at it to kill it you will have to pass over six more Tekyuu that are moving up and down in a fixed position then drop a depth charge on an Isogin (that's firing spiked balls at you from its position on the ocean floor) to kill it before coming to a second rock formation with a straight gap leading through it at the bottom; after you have passed through the gap you will come to the King of Atlantis for a fourth, and final, time. He'll speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Washi ga Atoranchisu Daiō ja. (わしがアトランチスだいおうじゃ.) to Bravoman once he's seen him - and once you've fired five missiles at each of his henchmen to kill them, he will speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Yokumo kobun wo koroshita na! Kono kataki ha kitto, toru. (よくもコブンをころしたな! このかたきはきっと、とる.) to Bravoman yet again, then retreat off the right side of the screen for a final time. You'll now continue to the right, as you come to a third rock formation that has a gap leading through it at the bottom; a second Isogin will be firing spiked balls at you from its position at the entrance of the gap and a ninth Tekyuu will be receding in and out of the formation's lower part at the exit of it. Once you fire a missile at the Isogin to kill it you'll have to wait until the Tekyuu's receded into the formation before passing through the gap and coming to the Mecha-King of Atlantis for the first and only time - and his henchmen may attack in exactly the same way as the normal King's but they have two more Tekyuu moving up and down in fixed positions in front of them. This makes it much harder to fire five missiles at them as they are throwing spiked balls at you (especially the two at the back); however, once you have fired five missiles at each of them to kill them, he will retreat and you will continue to the right again. Once you have passed through the gap between the tenth and eleventh Tekyuu, you will come to a fourth rock formation with a gap leading through its middle - and once you have passed through it you will have to fight the Twin Scuren for a fifth and final time. It now has three more Tekyuu that are moving up and down in a fixed position in front of it which means you will have to drop a depth charge on the King of Atlantis's Henchman who is riding it to make it retreat once you have destroyed both of its heads (it is also still possible to drop a second depth charge on him while it's retreating to make it explode and receive 2000 extra points); once you have passed over the top of the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth Tekyuu and collected the Onigiri powerup, the "stage clear" theme will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for the twenty-seventh time and Bravoman shall proceed to the twenty-eighth stage (which is the second of the Bonus Collection variety but is cavernous rather than heavenly).