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Dr. Bomb:

>ついにわしのじっけんしつまできたか! わしにあえるかな (Tsuini washi no jikken shitsu made kita ka! Washi ni aeru ka na)

プレイヤー1/2ステージ32じゃ. (Pureiyā 1/2 sutēji 32 ja.)

Once the background has reappeared behind Bravoman and his energy bar at the bottom of the screen has refilled for the final time, start running to the right, and collect the Hadō-dan powerup; once you have done so, Ugo 401 will immediately fly into view from the left side of the screen (again, he is not even bothering to speak the Katakana/Hiragana text Ugō hayaku tachisarei! ウゴーはやくたちされい! to Bravoman), as two final pairs of Kaname appear on the right side of the screen. You'll first have to fire four atoms from your arm at the Kaname (one for each one) to kill them, then jump up and fire four more atoms from your leg at Ugo 401 to kill him before he has the chance to fire a laser beam at you - and if Lottery Man appears to leave a powerup behind for you once you have collected the Fuku they have left behind, you should not jump up to collect it if it is a Shinkansen one, for it will cause the game to skip the rest of the stage and lock up until the arcade operator resets it. You shall then meet up with Black Bravo for the sixth and final time, who will speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Yoku zo koko made seichō shita. Watashi ha Arufā Yūseijin kara no ai no muchi da. (よくぞここまでせいちょうした. ワタシはアルファーユウセイジンからのアイのムチだ.) to Bravoman once he has seen him and will take twenty-two more punches in the face than usual to defeat here; after you have registered the last hit, he will speak the Katakana/Hiragana text Bakuda hakase ha tegowai zo! POW wo sazukeru. Sarabada! (バクダはかせはてごわいぞ! POWをさずける さらばだ!) to Bravoman then run away off the screen's right side and give him five last Onigiri energy bonuses to help him in the final battle. Once you've collected the Fuku he's left behind you will meet up with Dr. Bomb himself, who will speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Washi ga, Bakuda hakase ja koko made kuru to ha nanto mania ja!! Ki nasai. Watashi ha dare no chōsen de mōkeru. (わしが、バクダはかせじゃここまでくるとはなんとマニアじゃ!! きなさい. わたしはだれのちょうせんでもうける) to Bravoman once he has seen him, so you must be sure to collect the Sushi powerup in front of him to restore all your energy - and he attacks by opening his cloak to fire missiles at Bravoman, but the first time he tries to punch or headbutt him, he'll speak the Hiragana text Kākkakka kosobayui wa! (かーっかっかっこそばゆいわ!) to him. His head is his only vulnerable spot, and each time you should manage to jump up and kick him in it, his hair shall turn orange, grow taller and fire a laser beam at you before returning to its original size (and purple colour); after you have registered twenty hits on him his body shall explode and his head will fly into the teleporter as he speaks the Hiragana/Katakana text Temē, mō yuru-san! Son'nani shinitai nonara koro shiteyarō! Ukete miyo! Hissatsu bunshin no jutsu. (てめー、もうゆるさん!! そんなにしにたいのならころしてやろう! うけてみよ! ひっさつブンシンのじゅつ) before starting to fly randomly round the screen as a silhouette that can still cause injury to Bravoman if he touches him. After he stops moving, he will become solid again and fire a laser beam at you - and once you've jumped up and kicked him, he'll revert to being a silhouette again (he will also do this if you cannot manage to jump up and kick him quickly enough as a result of having to avoid the laser beams he fires at you). Once you have registered ten additional hits on him, he will fly back into the teleporter and speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Yoku zo, washi wo taoshita na!...Daga...Izure omae mo washi no ki mochi ga wakaru toki ga kuru. Sarabada! (よくぞ、ワシをたおしたなっ!...だが...いずれおまえもわしのきもちがわかるときがくる さらばだ!) to Bravoman (as the background dims); the walls of the secret laboratory shall then explode around Bravoman (but the explosions shall not cause injury to him) and Alpha Man shall come flying down into view from the top of the screen and speak the Hiragana/Katakana text Yoku yatta! Seikimatsu sai dai no kiki ha sukuwa reta. Arigatō! Hontō ni arigatō! (よくやった! セイキマツさいだいのキキはすくわれた. ありがとう! ほんとうにありがとう!) to him as the game's opening theme is heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a second and last time. You can now sit back and enjoy the ending, which shows Bravoman running through a nocturnal City landscape as a silhouette and features twelve caricatures of Namco employees, some of which were first used in 8-bit form in Genpei Tōma Den:

ディレクター (Direkutā)

ボクにはすばらしいナカマがいる (Boku ni ha subarashī nakama ga iru)

プログラマー (Puroguramā)
また、つまらぬゲームをつくってしまった (Mata, tsumaranu gēmu wo tsukutte shimatta)

スーパーバイザー (Sūpābaizā)
わたしがピストルだいみょうをかいたんだいみょーん. (Watashi ga Pisutoru Daimyō wo kaita n daimyōn.)

チーフデザイナー (Chīfu Dezainā)
こんなゲームやってんじゃねータカヲだん (Kon'na gēmu ya tenja nē takawo dan)

ヘビーメタル (Hebī Metaru)
ねむりたい! おかねがほしい! じゆうをくれ! (Nemuritai! O kane ga hoshī! Ji yū wo kure!)

アダプター (Adaputā)
ウヒョー! ホドラハラですトレーシーローズすき! (Uhyō! Hodorahara desu torēshīrōzu suki!)

ネクロマンサー (Nekuromansā)
かいてーめん、おたのしみいただけましたか (Kaitē men, o tanoshimi itadakemashita ka)

アニメーター (Animētā)

やあ、またおあいしましたね. (Yā, mata o aishimashita ne.)

デバッカー (Debakkā)
ゲームはオモシイす. (Gēmu ha omoshī su.)

ベラボーギャル (Berabō Gyaru)
なんかちょうだい (Nanka chōdai)

ステレオパパ (Sutereo Papa)
おとこトモダチぼしゅう. (O toko tomodachi bo shū.)

ミュージック (Myūjikku)

ビクターさんからレコードだすぜ! ライブもやるぜい (Bikutā-san kara rekōdo dasu ze! Raibu mo yaru ze i)

Once the credits have finished, there is a short cutscene in which Bravoman returns to his home, reverting to his original form of an ordinary working-class Japanese businessman, and speaking the Hiragana text of Anata, go kurō-sama. Sai go dakara, min'nade aisatsu shimashō ne. (あなた、ごくろうさま. さいごだから、みんなであいさつしましょうね) before bringing his wife and two young children (one son and one daughter) out to congratulate the player and speaking the Hiragana text Kyō tsuke! Rei! (きょーつけ! れい!); the game will then go into high-score mode. Your score will most likely be the highest one on the cabinet to date, so you should enter your name (up to seven characters) at the top of the table with pride - and once you do so, the game will go back into attract mode and replay your performance from the first part of the sixteenth stage (which was the fourth stage of the Ocean variety) so you may wish to watch this to see how well you were doing at that point in the game (which is also the halfway point) before you walk away from the cabinet.