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Dr. Bomb:
ウンのよいやつめヤミのししゃやつをけせ! (Un no yoi yatsu-me yami no shisha yatsu wo kese!)
プレイヤー1/2ステージ4じゃ. (Pureiyā 1/2 sutēji 4 ja.)

Once Bravoman has resurfaced on dry land, the background has reappeared behind him, and his energy bar at the bottom of the screen has refilled, start running to the right and punch the two Kakuremino who are walking towards you twice to kill them; once you have collected the Fuku they have left behind, two more Kakuremino will come walking towards you. Once you've punched them twice to kill them and collected the Fuku they have left behind, you shall come to a tree trunk - and once you have jumped over it, a fifth Kakuremino will come walking towards you. Once you have punched him twice to kill him and collected the Fuku he has left behind, a Purple Ninja will come bouncing towards you on his pogo stick; once you have punched him to kill him, and collected the Fuku he has left behind, you shall come up to two Tekyuu that are moving left and right in a fixed position. Once you have jumped over both of them in turn, a Green Ninja (who, unlike the purple one you've just killed, is not mounted on a pogo stick, and takes two hits to kill) will come walking towards you, while throwing orange projectiles at you - and once you've punched him twice to kill him, and collected the Fuku he has left behind, three Popo will come slithering down a half-staircase (leading upwards) towards you. Once they have reached the bottom, you will have to crouch down, and give each of them a headbutt to kill them before collecting the Fuku they have left behind, standing up, and jumping up to the half-staircase; you will then have to continue running to the right until you come to two Komuso who are creeping slowly towards you. Once you've punched both of them twice to defeat them and collected the Fuku they have left behind (if you strike them while they are running away, they will speak that Hiragana text Ijimeru. いじめる. to Bravoman) you shall come to another Purple Ninja and a Yogandohito who are bouncing towards you - and once you have crouched down, headbutted both of them to kill them, and collected the Fuku they have left behind, you shall have to run down another half-staircase leading downwards and continue running to the right, watching out for any Babito who are emerging from the cracks in the ground and either kicking, punching, or crouching down and headbutting them to kill them (depending on how high they have flown into the air) before you drop down into the cavern underneath the dojo. You will now have to continue running to the right as you come to a third Komuso who is creeping slowly towards you; once you have punched her twice to defeat her, and collected the Fuku she's left behind, you will come up to a third Tekyuu that is moving up and down in a fixed position. Once you have jumped over it, a fourth Popo will come slithering towards you - and once you have crouched down, given it a headbutt to kill it, and collected the Fuku it has left behind, you'll have to stand up again, as you come to two more Tekyuu that are moving up and down in a fixed position. Once you have jumped over them, you will have to jump up that stone staircase leading out of the cavern before having to fight the first pair of Kaname; both of these big-haired blonde ninjas of indeterminate gender take five hits to kill. Once you have collected the Fuku they have left behind, that song you had been hearing from the Yamaha YM-2151 shall fade out, and Lottery Man will speak the Katakana/Hiragana text of Biba!! Berabōman. Onigiri, ku wan kai (ビバ!! ベラボーマン. おにぎり、 くわんかい) to Bravoman and give him an Onigiri energy bonus for every ten Fuku that he has collected during the stage - and once he has cycled away, the "stage clear" theme will be heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 for a fourth time, and Bravoman will proceed to the fifth stage (which is the third of the City variety, and has the building of the Idemitsu Kosan Company, who had been promoted on a billboard in Final Lap, in its background).