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For more information about Rolento, see his Street Fighter Alpha entry.

Rolento was once a member of the Metro City Mad Gears gang. He joined them when he thought that they would help him further his plans of creating a perfect society. After Guy, Cody, and Haggar disrupted the gang in the first Final Fight, Rolento decided to proceed developing his army on his own. He was involved in the events of the Street Fighter Alpha series, in competition with M. Bison, searching for new recruits. When he found out about the tournament being held in conjunction with M. Bison and Geese Howard, he muscled his way into the tournament for another opportunity to build his army. Rolento's portrayal in Capcom vs. SNK 2 is nearly identical to his Street Fighter Alpha incarnation.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Capcom vs. SNK 2[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Fake Rod +
Spike Rod +
Patriot Circle + (repeat x3)
Stinger + (press or for knife)
Mekong Delta Air Raid + (press for attack)
Mekong Delta Escape +
__Controls move with or , attack with or
Mekong Delta Attack (press for attack)
Scouter Jump ( or +)
Take No Prisoner +
Steel Rain +
Mine Sweeper +