With the statues destroyed, Nathan can explore most of the rest of the castle, including the Underground Waterway. The waters are so poisonous that simply touching them is harmful and prolonged exposure is deadly at best.
Underground Waterway[edit | edit source]
Two things you should know about the Underground Waterway:
- Almost all of the enemies are water/ice based, so equipping the Neptune/Serpent combo will make you nearly invincible (unless you run out of MP).
- There are no candles, so the only way to regain hearts is from ones dropped by enemies, items, or power-ups.
If you've gotten the Cleansing from the Underground Warehouse, then the first time you hit the water it will turn blue and no longer hurt you. If this is your first time in the Waterway, break the bottom of the left pillar to get a Heart Plus and a Star Bracelet or two from the Frozen Shade. Head right, into the first of five very large rooms.
Jump across the pool and hit the switch (#1) to raise the blocks. (If this is your first time here, fight the Ice Armors for the Neptune card and Steel Armor.) Go to the right and hit the switch (#2) to lower the blocks and then climb the two sets of stairs to get to the upper level. Jump up and go to the right, hitting the next switch (#3) to raise the blocks. Walk over the new bridge and hit the switch (#4) in the upper right corner to lower the blocks once again. Head back and climb the stairs to get to the very top corner of the room. The left wall above the pool can be broken to get a MP Plus (27/36) and then jump up into the room above. Use the Brain Floats as platforms to get a HP Plus
(26/43). Head back to the stairs and go down two sets, then follow the path down and right to get to the next room.
As soon as you get in, hit the switch (#5) to raise the blocks, then go back to the previous room. Follow the path to the room containing a HP Plus (27/43). Walk through the left wall to get a Heart Plus
(25/36). Go back to the second large room, ignore switch 5 and continue right. Use the platforms to cross the pool and hit the switch (#6) to lower the blocks. Head back and climb the stairs, then jump up the platforms to the top and go right. Head right, down the stairs, and continue on to the third large room.
Head right, hit the switch (#7) to raise the blocks, then drop down to the bottom of the room. At the far left is a MP Plus (28/36). There's a save room on the lower right side of this room as well, and it is a ways to the next one, so you may want to use it. Use the platforms to get all the way to the top then go left. In the upper left corner is a MP Plus
(29/36). Head back down and hit switch 7 to lower the blocks, then climb back up. Go up the stairs and right. Hit the switch (#8) to raise the blocks and then go into the fourth room.
Drop down, killing the Frozen Shades as you go, and go all the way to the right. Hit the switch (#9) to lower the blocks, go back left and up the stairs. At the top, go down and right, through the lower door into the fifth room. Drop down, hit the switch (#10) to raise the blocks back up, go right to get a Heart Plus (26/36), then all the way back to the previous room. Go up and right, through the upper door, back into the fifth room. Head along the top to the right, fighting past the Ice Demon, to get a MP Plus
(30/36). Head back to the middle of the fifth room by going through the lower door in the fourth, then head right into the last major room of the Waterway. Watching out for the Evil Hands and Frozen Shades, save in the upper right room, then drop down and go through the lower door to find Camilla.
She'll go on about how the world is already hell, so she's reviving Dracula in order to make it a literal hell as well as a figurative one. She'll comment about manipulating Hugh to turn him against Nathan, then transform into a large winged demon on top of a large skull.
Camilla[edit | edit source]
Camilla | ||
![]() | ||
Underground Waterway | ||
HP | 1500 | |
STR | 650 | |
DEF | 700 | |
EXP | 80000 | |
Element | Dark | |
Receive | Roc Wing ![]() |
- See the boss page for more.
Hit her hard and fast with your sub-weapons and she'll go down before she can cause too much trouble. Stay on the left and wait for her to come to you. The Jupiter/Serpent shield will protect you against the bubbles and let you get shots in more easily. Once she turns around, don't follow her, but drop down to the ground and duck. She'll often fire an incredibly powerful laser than can kill you very quickly.
Afterwards[edit | edit source]
After the fight, Camilla makes a few more comments then dies. Go to the room on the right and grab the Roc Wing , which allows you to jump extremely high multiple times by pressing
while holding
. Once you have it, head back to the save room, use it if you want, then jump up into the shaft. About halfway up you'll see an opening on the left, which leads to a Heart Plus
(27/36). Directly opposite this opening, there is a breakable wall with a HP Plus
(28/43). Grab both and continue to the top, then go through the door and you'll be back in the Eternal Corridor, below the warp room.
Changes[edit | edit source]
After clearing the Underground Waterway, several new enemies appear:
- Lilith can be found in the tall shaft in the Underground Warehouse
- The Trick Candle appears in the Catacomb
- The room directly below the Chapel Tower exit in the Audience Room now contains Wind Demons
- There is a Wind Armor on the ground of the first section of the Outer Wall
Collect-a-thon #3[edit | edit source]
With the Roc Wing, you now have access to almost the entire castle (except the Ceremonial Room). Start by going into the Underground Gallery. You can use the Imps to refill your hearts quickly if you need to, then go through the lower left door, into the room with Imps and Harpies. Before the second high wall, jump up and grab a MP Plus (31/36) and the HP Plus
(29/43) above it if you missed them before. Head back into the Eternal Corridor and go right, to the Chapel Tower. In the bottom hallway, go through the door on the right and grab the HP Plus
(30/43) from the upper right ledge.
Now head over to the Battle Arena, either by walking through the Tower if you haven't been before, or warping to the fourth warp room. In any case, enter the Arena and jump up to the MP Plus (32/36). Drop down the left side and in a moment the Fallen Angel will appear. Kill her using the Thunderbird summon (and hopefully taking out the Legions nearby), then go through the lower right door and come back. Repeat until you get the Saturn card
. Above, where the Fallen Angel came from, you can get a HP Plus
(31/43). If you go into the first room of the Battle Arena you can find candles containing every type of sub-weapon. This will probably be the best place to come if you ever need to change weapons. Once you have everything, go back to the warp room and warp to the Audience Room.
Go into the upper section of the Triumph Hallway, into the shaft on the left side. Jump to the top to get a Heart Plus (28/36). Go to the lower section of the Triumph Hallway, and go through the left door instead of into the Underground Warehouse. Go through the Zombie-filled hallway and you'll be at the main gates of the castle. You can't go through the gate, but jump up in front of it to find a HP Plus
(32/43). Now go back and into the Underground Warehouse.
Go through the Warehouse until you get to the long shaft on the left side (all of the crate puzzles will remain "solved" so you will be able to get through very quickly). Once you get in, jump to the top to get another HP Plus (33/43). Head down, through the broken wall and you'll be in Lilith's room. In addition to giving you 20,000 experience points per kill, she also drops the Sage Robe
(though very rarely). Use the Thunderbird summon on her as you did with the Fallen Angel. She is, however, much more powerful and may require two or three summons to kill. She is also strong enough to do over a hundred damage to even a high level character. While fighting her, save often in the save room near Death's door.
In the shaft, below the broken wall, is a door. Go through it, past the Grizzlies, to get to another crate filled room. Before dealing with the creates, head up to the ledge on the very top and break the left wall to get a Heart Plus (29/36). Now, to arrange the crates.
- Push the left crate against the right one
- Break the stone block on top
- Break the three stone blocks below the crate
- Push the right crate down to the ground
- Push the left crate down, on top of the other one and slide through
Be aware that when you come back the room will contain Holy Armors. In the last room, there is a HP Plus (34/43) on the left and a Heart Plus
(30/36) on the right. Head back into the shaft, go down and to the end of the Warehouse. Slide through the gap to get back into the Catacomb.
Head down, take the lower right exit from the square room and then the lower right door in the room with the Earth Demon, go down the hall, take the lower right door in this room, and then jump on the ramp in the last room. Go up it, watching out for the Bone Towers that fall down, then up and right to get a HP Plus (35/43). Now go to Cerberus's room. You'll notice there is an oddly placed candle in the middle of the room. Smash it to get the Trick Candle to fall out. It's easiest to defeat if you use the Thunderbird summon. If you don't have the Uranus or Thunderbird card, you can kneel a little in front of the candle, facing away, then use the spinning whip to break the candle. Whip it quickly when it falls down and you'll be able to kill it, assuming that you can kill it in one or two hits. Eventually, it'll drop the Pluto card
, which should be your 18th card.
Head into the Abyss Stairway (use the shortcut under Cerberus's room). Jump and climb your way to the top of the left stairway, where the ceiling rises high above you. Jump to the top to get a HP Plus (36/43). Go back down and into the Underground Waterway.
Head back into the second large room, hitting the switches as such:
- Hit #1 only if the blocks are lowered
- Hit #2 to lower, go up the stairs
- Hit #3 to raise
- Hit #4 to lower, go into the second large room
- Hit #5 to raise
Use the Roc Wing to get to the top of the blocks that were just raised, then go to the top of the room. Head right and jump to the row of blocks above you. Break the ceiling near the left side and jump in. Get to the top of this room to find a HP Plus (37/43). Drop back into the large room and go right to get another HP Plus
(38/43). Once you've gotten both, leave the Waterway from the entrance (hit the switches in the reverse order to get out) and go back into the Catacomb, into the long shaft below the Audience Room. About halfway up on the left side (one square above where you jumped to get the HP Plus in the Stairway) is a breakable wall. Jump higher than it and whip frantically as you fall, trying again if you don't get it. Once you do, go through and get a HP Plus
(39/43). In this room, you can break the ceiling near the right wall.
Jump through and you'll (barely) see the Skeleton Medalist run by. It's too fast for you to catch unless you use the Pluto/Salamander combination in conjunction with the Stopwatch . This very time and heart consuming process will get you the Bear Ring
, which can turn you into a cartoon bear when worn while using Pluto/Black Dog. While cute, the bear gets killed in one hit, so this generally isn't worth the time.
Head up the shaft, back into the Audience Room. Go through the upper right door and you'll find that the Axe Armors and Skeleton Soldier have been replaced with Wind Demons. While strong, they can be killed quickly with the boomerang, and drop Sage Armbands . Go through the opening in the ceiling and start climbing. When you can, go right and jump all the way to the top, through the ceiling. Along the top you'll find a MP Plus
(33/36) and Heart Plus
(31/36). On the bottom, you'll find one of every sub-weapon as well as the Defense Armband
dropping Were-horses.
Go back down and into the Outer Wall. In the first room you'll find the entrance to the Observation Tower (don't go in just yet) and a MP Plus (34/36). Get the MP Plus, then go down the right side of the Wall, into the east side of the Audience Room. Above the door to the save room (on the right) is a door that used to contain an MP Plus. Jump to the top of this room to find a Heart Plus
(32/36). Save your game, go back to the left side of the Outer Wall, and jump into the Observation Tower.
Crossroads[edit | edit source]
With the Roc Wing, the Battle Arena is accessible. You can also go to the Observation Tower, which is the last required area before you face Dracula.
From here, you can:
- Go to the Observation Tower walkthrough
- Skip to the Battle Arena walkthrough