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Dogz and Catz (Ubisoft)
The logo for Dogz and Catz (Ubisoft).
Developer(s)Powerhead Games, Yuke's Future Media Creations, Focus Multimedia, MTO
Year introduced2002
Genre(s)Adventure, Virtual Pet
Parent seriesPetz

The Dogz and Catz games are a sub-series of the Petz series of games, based on the original Dogz and Catz series by PF Magic. Most games in the series involve caring for a pet cat or dog. However, Petz: Dogz 2 and Catz 2 for the PS2 and Wii is a simplified version of an earlier Yuke's creation, The Dog Island, where you play as the dog and travel around the island repairing damage made by an evil wolf.

Games[edit | edit source]

Many games in this series have different titles depending on which version it is.

Platform UK Title US Title
PC Dogz Dogz
DS Dogz Dogz
PS2, Wii Dogz Petz: Dogz 2
DS Dogz 2 Petz: Dogz 2
PC Not released Petz: Dogz 2
DS Fashion Dogz Petz: Dogz Fashion
DS Petz: My Puppy Family Petz: Dogz Pack
Platform UK Title US title
PC Catz Catz
GBA Catz Catz
DS Catz 2 Petz: Catz 2
PS2, Wii Catz Petz: Catz 2
DS Petz: My Kitten Family Petz: Catz Clan