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THQ's company logo.

THQ Inc. is a worldwide international American developer and publisher of video games. Founded in 1989, the company develops products for video game consoles, handheld game systems, as well as for personal computers and wireless devices.

The company publishes internally created and externally licensed content in its product portfolio. THQ's internally created franchises include Saints Row, Company of Heroes and others. The company also holds exclusive, long-term licensing agreements with leading sports and entertainment content creators including World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), Games Workshop (Warhammer 40,000), Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Nickelodeon and Disney-Pixar.

History[edit | edit source]

The company began building out its internal product development capabilities in 2001 with the acquisition of Volition located in Champaign, IL. Since then, THQ's internal studio system has grown to eleven studios across the globe with distinct capabilities across all viable gaming platforms. Studios such as Relic Entertainment, Paradigm Entertainment, Juice Games, Kaos Studios and Volition, Inc., who are working on games for next generation of consoles as well as Windowss.

On May 10, 2007, THQ reported its highest annual sales figures and net profits ever for the fiscal year which ended March 31. THQ's revenues reached over $1 billion. In 2008, THQ ranked 23rd on the list of largest software companies in the world.

In March 2008, THQ announced they were to develop the world's first ever cheerleading game using the Wii Balance Board.

On November 3, 2008 the company closed a number of its studios.

In 2013, THQ started auctioning off all their properties. In 2014, Nordic Games acquired the THQ trademark.


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