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Box artwork for Championship Manager 4.
Box artwork for Championship Manager 4.
Championship Manager 4
Developer(s)Sports Interactive
Year released2003
System(s)Windows, macOS
Preceded byChampionship Manager: Season 01/02
Followed byChampionship Manager: Season 03/04
SeriesChampionship Manager
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ELSPA Ages 3+
Neoseeker Related Pages
LinksChampionship Manager 4 at PCGamingWikiChampionship Manager 4 ChannelSearch

Championship Manager 4 is a soccer management game in the Championship Manager series. It was the penultimate game in the series to be developed by Sports Interactive before they and publishers Eidos decided to go their separate ways. The game was released for the PC in March of 2003 and then on the Mac on April 11, 2003. It was hugely anticipated by fans of the series, mainly due to the inclusion of a graphical 2D match-engine for the first time in a CM game, and upon its release it became the fastest selling PC game of all time in the UK.

As usual, Sports Interactive increased the amount of playable leagues - this time including a total of 39 leagues (around 90 divisions).

Table of Contents


Championship Manager 4/Table of Contents