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Box artwork for Cleopatra Fortune.
Box artwork for Cleopatra Fortune.
Cleopatra Fortune
Developer(s)Taito Corporation, Natsume, Altron
Publisher(s)Taito Corporation, Altron, Midas Interactive
Year released1997
System(s)Arcade, Sega Saturn, PlayStation, Sega Dreamcast
ModesSingle player, multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneELSPA Ages 3+USK All ages
Cleopatra Fortune S-Tribute
Developer(s)City Connection
Publisher(s)City Connection
Year released2022
System(s)Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, Xbox One
Rating(s)IARC Ages 3+ESRB EveryonePEGI Ages 3+USK All agesGeneralGRB All
LinksOfficial websiteCleopatra Fortune at PCGamingWikiCleopatra Fortune ChannelSearch

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