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Box artwork for Collection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend.
Box artwork for Collection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend.
Collection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend
Developer(s)Square Enix, Racjin
Publisher(s)Square Enix
Year released2020
System(s)Nintendo Switch, Windows, Android, iOS
Japanese titleSa・Ga COLLECTION
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)CERO Ages 12 and upESRB EveryonePEGI Ages 7+USK Ages 6+
LinksCollection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend at PCGamingWikiCollection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend ChannelSearch

Collection of SaGa: Final Fantasy Legend is a compilation three SaGa games. It was released for the Nintendo Switch, Windows, Android and iOS.

New Features[edit | edit source]

  • Quick save / load
  • Character speed boost
  • Adjustable screen magnification
  • Game Boy display mode – mirroring original GB screen layout
  • New commemorative music and illustrations
  • Choose from 8 x different in-game wallpapers

Achievements[edit | edit source]

There are 10 achievements for Steam.

Picture Name Description
The SaGa Commences Viewed the title screen.
Trend Setter Viewed the options menu.
Speedy Hero Changed game speed settings.
Tower Climber First played FINAL FANTASY LEGEND. (English or Japanese)
Treasure Seeker First played FINAL FANTASY LEGEND II. (English or Japanese)
Time Warrior First played FINAL FANTASY LEGEND III. (English or Japanese)
Deity Buster Completed FINAL FANTASY LEGEND. (English or Japanese)
World Saver Completed FINAL FANTASY LEGEND II. (English or Japanese)
Time Commander Completed FINAL FANTASY LEGEND III. (English or Japanese)
SaGa Veteran Completed all FINAL FANTASY LEGEND titles. (English or Japanese)