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Campaign Characters[edit | edit source]

Emperor Yoshiro[edit | edit source]

The Emperor of the Rising Sun, whose Divine Destiny is to rule the world and relive the Bushido - the way of the warrior.

  • Soviet - Defeated and killed when Soviet forces destroyed his royal palace and his custom made King Oni mech.
  • Allied - Fate unknown. Defeated when the Allied forces crippled the Empires main forces and production centers at Tokyo harbor. Does not appear in Uprising.
  • Empire - Successful at spreading his Divine message across the world. Accepted the malleable fate that destiny has given him, and made his son the supreme commander of the Shogunate.

Crown Prince Tatsu[edit | edit source]

Son of Emperor Yoshiro, and the architect behind the superior Nano Technology of the Empire of the Rising Sun. Has less traditional beliefs than his father.

  • Soviet - Fate unknown. Defeated when the Soviet forces destroyed the Emperors royal palace and his fathers custom made King Oni mech.
  • Allied - Survived - Defeated when the Allied forces crippled the Empires main forces and production centers at Tokyo harbor. Currently cooperating with Allied Occupation Forces
  • Empire - Successful at defeating the Allies and the Soviets. Was given control over the Shogunate when the Empire found out about the Time Machine.

Suki Toyama[edit | edit source]

The logistics officer and briefer for the Imperial commander.

  • Soviet - Fate unknown. Was not in any armed conflict.
  • Allied - Fate unknown. Was not in any armed conflict.
  • Empire - Successful at aiding in the defeat of the Allied and the Soviets, then proceeded to invite the commander to a beach in Hawaii.

Yuriko[edit | edit source]

The Psionic Commando of the Empire of the Rising Suns forces. Her mind can defeat most enemies one on one.

  • Soviet - Defeated at Mt Fuji when the Soviets attack.
  • Allied - Survived and was held in an Allied Detention Facility until she broke out of it.
  • Empire - Successfully defeated the Allies and the Soviets at Amsterdam.
  • Yuriko - Successfully free herself from the Allied Detention facility defeated her enemies and killed her sister Izumi and was seen at the outskirts of Tokyo Japan.

Izumi[edit | edit source]

Yurikos Sister and another Psionic Commando of the Rising Sun.

  • Soviet - Fate Unknown.
  • Allied - Fate Unknown.
  • Empire - Fate Unknown.
  • Yuriko - Died in the hands of Yuriko

Takara Sato[edit | edit source]

A new Commander that oppose Tatsus rule over Japan.

  • Soviet - Fate Unknown.
  • Allied - Fate Unknown.
  • Empire - Fate Unknown.
  • Yuriko - Fate Unknown.

Shinji Shimada[edit | edit source]

The scientist that is known to work on Psionics.

  • Soviet - Fate Unknown.
  • Allied - Fate Unknown.
  • Empire - Fate Unknown.
  • Yuriko - Died in the hands of Yuriko.

Co-Commanders[edit | edit source]

Shinzo Nagama[edit | edit source]

  • Aggressive AI.
  • Tends to build up forces and attacks at an advantage.
  • Prefers solid Imperial units and Infantry such as Tankbusters, Shinobi, Imperial Warriors and Tsunami Tanks.

Kenji Tenzai[edit | edit source]

  • Aggressive AI.
  • Tends to keep pressure on opponents and keeping map control through attrition.
  • Prefers mechanized units such as Mecha/Jet Tengus, Striker/Chopper VX, Sea/Sky Wings and Rocket Angels.

Naomi Shirada[edit | edit source]

  • Tactical AI.
  • Tends to counter opponents and keeps pressure on opponents.
  • Prefers naval and aircraft units such as Mecha/Jet Tengus, Sea/Sky Wings, Naginata Cruisers, Shogun Battleships and Yari Mini-Subs.