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Unlike in Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars the Top Secret Protocols do not cost money.

Fortified Fleet Upgrade[edit | edit source]

RequirementsConyard but continues to work if Conyard is destroyed.
Power TypeUpgrade

Enhances all Empire units at sea, giving them greater vision, defense, speed and damage. Higher threat levels also reduce the cooldown of special abilities slightly. This does not affect infantry units, nor air units above water, but it does affect Mecha Tengus hovering at sea as well as Tsunami Tanks and Ore Collectors.

Point Defence Drones[edit | edit source]

Power TypeSupport power

Grants a shield to all ground and sea vehicles, that absorb all incoming damage. The shield lasts indefinitely or until enough damage is sustained. Can be used on air units if they are on the ground, but cannot be used on submerged units such as Yari Submarines even if they surface.

Final Squadron, Final Squadron X and Final Squadron Omega[edit | edit source]

Power TypeAttack Power

Fast suicide planes fly from a nearby location, shooting at random enemies until they kamikaze their target location. They can be shot down, but they will deal damage where they land nonetheless. Higher levels increase the number of planes from 5 planes to 15 planes, they fire a weak anti-infantry machine gun.

Final Squadron

Call a group of Sunburst drone for World War II

Final Squadron X

Call a flurry of Sunburst drone for World War II

Final Squadron Omega

Call a torrent of Sunburst drone for World War II

Honorable Discharge Upgrade[edit | edit source]

Power TypeUpgrade

Causes all units that die to explode, dealing damage to enemy units in a small radius. Air units that fall from the sky will deal damage upon landing.

Emperors Rage, Revenge and Retribution[edit | edit source]

Power TypeSupport power

Causes all units in the radius to attack faster, while increasing their defenses. They are also slowed down. Using this on enemy units at later levels can significantly slow their advance, especially on bigger units such as Apocalypse Tanks and King Onis. Higher levels increase the effects.

Advanced Robotics Upgrade[edit | edit source]

Power TypeUpgrade

Speeds up the construction of all non-infantry units by 25%. Higher threat levels increases the speed further.

Advanced Rocket Pods[edit | edit source]

Power TypeUpgrade

Increases the damage of all rocket-spewing forces, such as Seawing and Chopper-VX missiles, as well as Defender towers in anti-air mode.

This also makes Giga Fortresses and Rocket angels hit harder than before.

Sleeper Ambush[edit | edit source]

Power TypeReinforcement power

5 Tankbusters emerge slowly from the ground. While emerging, they are vulnerable to enemy fire and can be crushed as normal infantry. They do not receive bonuses from the Veteran Academy.

Balloon Bombs, Balloon Bomb Blowout and Balloon Bomb Barrage[edit | edit source]

Power TypeAttack Power

Drops Bombs that slowly fall from the sky. Shooting at them will cause them to fall and blow up nonetheless wherever they land. They are controllable by the player to focus on a smaller radius. Higher levels increase the number of bombs dropped.