Campaign Characters[edit | edit source]
Premier Cherdenko[edit | edit source]
Was a Colonel in the Soviet forces in charge of the secret time machine project. After intervening with the space time continuum by removing Albert Einstein from time, he was the acting Soviet Premier.
- Soviet - Betrayed the Soviets who threatened his position such as Dr.Zelinsky and General Krukov, and later on the commander. Defeated and presumably killed by Soviet forces on Easter Island.
- Allied - Betrayed the Allied forces in their fight against the Empire of the Rising Sun, and later plotted the destruction of several key Allied cities. Defeated and captured before his escape to space at Leningrad, and kept frozen in a Cryo prison.
- Empire - Defeated and presumably killed when the Empire levelled the Kremlin and destroyed the Time Machine.
General Krukov[edit | edit source]
Was the Soviet general in both timelines, and an experienced and ruthless leader to his men.
- Soviet - Was labelled a traitor by Cherdenko, defeated and killed by the Soviet Commander during the attack on the Allied airbase in Iceland.
- Allied - Betrayed the Allied forces in their fight against the Empire of the Rising Sun, and later plotted the destruction of several key Allied cities. Defeated and captured before his escape to space at Leningrad, and kept frozen in a Cryo prison.
- Empire - Defeated and presumably killed when the Empire levelled the Kremlin and destroyed the Time Machine.
Dr. Gregor Zelinsky[edit | edit source]
Considered the greatest scientific mind of all time by Premier Cherdenko, who was responsible for the Time Machine project. Defected to the Allied forces when he realized the Empire of the Rising Sun was a result of his meddling in time.
- Soviet - Presumably killed by Premier Cherdenko when he informed the commander of the Time Machine project.
- Allied - Defected to the Allied forces, and informed Field Marshall Bingham of the Soviet betrayal and plot to destroy key Allied cities.
- Empire - Defeated and presumably killed when the Empire levelled the FutureTech headquarters in Amsterdam.
Natasha Volkova[edit | edit source]
A legend amongst Soviet forces, Natasha is the ultimate sniper commando who undergoes missions of dire importance to the Soviet Union.
- Soviet - Successful at defeating the Empire of the Rising Sun and the Allied forces.
- Allied - Fate unknown, presumably defeated when the Allies took down Leningrad.
- Empire - Fate unknown, presumably defeated when the Empire assaulted Moscow.
Officer Dasha Fedorovich[edit | edit source]
The logistics officer and briefer for the Soviet commander.
- Soviet - Successful at aiding in the defeat of the Empire of the Rising Sun and the betrayer Cherdenko. Was responsible for the decision to level the Statue of Liberty.
- Allied - Survived -- Working with Soviet Resistance against Allies and FutureTech.
- Empire - Fate unknown, was not in any armed conflict.
Vera Belova[edit | edit source]
A Ukrainian freedom fighter who fights with Dasha against the Allied Forces.
- Soviet - Fate Unknown.
- Allied - Fate Unknown.
- Empire - Fate Unknown.
- Yuriko - Fate Unknown.
Co-Commanders[edit | edit source]
Oleg Vodnik[edit | edit source]
- Aggressive AI.
- Tends to build up forces and keeps pressure on opponents.
- Prefers heavy units such as Hammer Tanks, Tesla Troopers, Apocalypse Tanks and Kirov Airships.
Nikolai Moskvin[edit | edit source]
- Aggressive AI.
- Tends to rush opponents early game and keeping map control through attrition.
- Prefers strike units and infantry such as Flak Troopers, Sickles and Stingrays.
Zhana Agonskaya[edit | edit source]
- Tactical AI.
- Tends to counter opponents and attacks at an advantage.
- Prefers aircraft and bombardment units such as Twinblades, MiG Fighters, and V4 Rocket Launchers.