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Terror Drone Surprise Upgrade[edit | edit source]

Power TypeUpgrade

There is a chance that a Terror Drone will spring forth from all ground forces that are destroyed. Does not count towards infantry, aircraft, submerged units, as well as Sputniks. Higher tier units have an increased chance of spawning a Terror Drone than lower tier units. Units that are shattered under the effects of Cryo Technology will not grant a Terror Drone.

Toxic Corrosion[edit | edit source]

Power TypeOffensive Power

Befouls a sacrificial vehicle that spews Toxic in its path. Upon destruction, the vehicle will explode and create a Toxic field.

Orbital Drop, Orbital Dump & Orbital Downpour[edit | edit source]

Power TypeOffensive Power

Decommissions a satellite from orbit, causing it to rain down on Earth, dealing damage. Any units sucked in orbit with the Magnetic Satellite protocol are also dropped, dealing extra damage. Higher levels increases the size of the satellites dropped, as well as the radius effect, although the delay on the drop is increased.

Orbital Drop

Decommissions a space probe with quickly for less than 50% of orbital fuse

Orbital Dump

Decommissions a satellite with quickly for less than 50% of orbital fuse

Orbital Downpour

Decommissions a space station with quickley for less than 50% of orbital fuse

Cash Bounty[edit | edit source]

Power TypeMaking cash Power

Places a bounty on all units and structures in a radius. If any bounty units are destroyed within the time limit by any means, they will grant 25% of their respective credit costs. Does not count when selling structures other than the Construction Yard, and does not affect aircraft unless they are on the ground when cast. Submerged units will need to emerge before being affected. Higher threat levels increases the duration slightly.

Desolator Airstrike I, II, & III[edit | edit source]

Power TypeOffensive Power

Befouls an area with a Toxic spill, deadly to all infantry units. Vehicles will also take corrosion damage depending on their size or armor. Structures are left unharmed, although any infantry units garrisoned inside are succeptible to the effects. Higher levels increases the radius significantly.

Desolator Airstrike

Order Bomber will clash away for toxin for corrosive bomb.

Desolator Dual-Airstrike

Order Two Bomber will clash away for toxin for corrosive bomb.

Desolator Delta-Airstrike

Order Three Bomber will clash away for toxin for corrosive bomb.

Mass Production Upgrade[edit | edit source]

Power TypeUpgrade

Reduces the cost of all non-infantry units by 25%. Higher threat levels further reduces the cost slightly. Mass Production in the Ultimate Edition for the PS3 reduces the cost of everything the Soviets build by 25%.

Grinder Treads Upgrade[edit | edit source]

Power TypeUpgrade to tanks

Enhances all vehicles that are able to crush enemies. Every time an enemy is crushed, the vehicle will recover any lost armor. Higher tier vehicles that are crushed will grant more armor recovery. Higher threat levels will also increase the effect.

Magnetic Satellite , Super-Magnetic Satellite & Ultra-Magnetic Satellite[edit | edit source]

Power TypeOffensive Power

Activates a controllable magnetic force used to pull all non-infantry units besides Tesla Troopers and Rocket Angels into orbit. Can suck up aircraft and Imperial Nanocores. All units that are sucked up can be dropped in conjunction with the Orbital Dump protocol. Higher levels increases the duration, while slightly increasing the radius. Only Use this to prevent the Nanocores from leaving the Rising Suns Conyard and prevent vehicles or ships leaving their factories because faster units might be able to escape it.

Magnetic Satellite

The beam coming a normal tractor with for sucks away from satellite, but try it with Orbital Drop

Super-Magnetic Satellite

The beam coming a powerful tractor with for sucks away from satellite, but try it with Orbital Dump

Ultra-Magnetic Satellite

The beam coming a bigger and very fast, powerful tractor with for sucks away from satellite, but try it with Orbital Downpour

Magnetic Singularity[edit | edit source]

Power TypeOffensive Power

Creates a magnetic field in a target area, disabling vehicle movement as well as instantly killing infantry units. Use this protocol first before using the Magnetic Satellites to prevent fast units from escaping the Satellite.