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Table of Contents
Empire of the Rising Sun
Soviet Missions
Allied Missions
Empire Missions
Soviet Missions
Allied Missions
Empire Missions
Yuriko Missions
Commanders Challenges
- Dead Meat
- Blood Feud
- Defense of the Archipalego
- Where Satellites go to die
- Symphony of Steel
- Athena's Wrath
- Scavenger
- Offshore Killing
- Chrono you didn't
- Tesla's Castle
- Double-Barreled
- Out of the Blue
- Fury of the Empire
- Creeping Death
- Crate and Red Barrel
- Are you Experienced
- Caught in the Crossfire
- Dangerous Skies
- All Guns Blazing
- Two Sides to Everything
- Ready to Roll Out
- Dirty Tricks
- Gosh Darn Mongolians!
- Cat Fight
- Number One Threat to America
- No Place to Hide
- High-Water Mark
- Behind the Iron Curtain
- Show of Force
- No Match for the Guardian
- Reap what you Sow
- Kill-A-Ton
- King of the Monsters
- Your Gold Mine has Collapsed
- The Omega Program
- Shrink Zone
- Viscious Circle
- Robots and Ninjas
- Battle Royale
- High Seas Duel
- Superb Commander
- Red Crush
- Be Quick or be Dead
- Ice Breaker
- The Final Countdown
- Come and get it
- Arms Race
- Battle Room
- The Motherland
- Future Warfare
Phase 1[edit | edit source]
Defend your units until enemy attack stops. Move your mvc to preferred location. Island is recommended.
Phase 2[edit | edit source]
Defend and build your base. The enemy is relatively tame and can be overcomed by air units. Before completely destroying the enemy base(leave a barrack standing), expand your base, occupy lands and bolster your defenses and your forces. A very large army and a charged superweapon will be helpful.
Phase 3[edit | edit source]
Prepare to be steamrolled or start steamrolling
Go to top
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: Uprising
- The True Shogun's Stand
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: Uprising
Table of Contents
Empire of the Rising Sun
Soviet Missions
Allied Missions
Empire Missions
Soviet Missions
Allied Missions
Empire Missions
Yuriko Missions
Commanders Challenges
- Dead Meat
- Blood Feud
- Defense of the Archipalego
- Where Satellites go to die
- Symphony of Steel
- Athena's Wrath
- Scavenger
- Offshore Killing
- Chrono you didn't
- Tesla's Castle
- Double-Barreled
- Out of the Blue
- Fury of the Empire
- Creeping Death
- Crate and Red Barrel
- Are you Experienced
- Caught in the Crossfire
- Dangerous Skies
- All Guns Blazing
- Two Sides to Everything
- Ready to Roll Out
- Dirty Tricks
- Gosh Darn Mongolians!
- Cat Fight
- Number One Threat to America
- No Place to Hide
- High-Water Mark
- Behind the Iron Curtain
- Show of Force
- No Match for the Guardian
- Reap what you Sow
- Kill-A-Ton
- King of the Monsters
- Your Gold Mine has Collapsed
- The Omega Program
- Shrink Zone
- Viscious Circle
- Robots and Ninjas
- Battle Royale
- High Seas Duel
- Superb Commander
- Red Crush
- Be Quick or be Dead
- Ice Breaker
- The Final Countdown
- Come and get it
- Arms Race
- Battle Room
- The Motherland
- Future Warfare