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Box artwork for Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations.
Box artwork for Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations.
Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations
Developer(s)Westwood Studios
Publisher(s)Virgin Interactive Entertainment
Year released1996
System(s)DOS, Windows
Preceded byCommand & Conquer
Followed byCommand & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
SeriesCommand & Conquer
Genre(s)Real-time strategy
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB Teen
LinksCommand & Conquer: The Covert Operations ChannelSearch

Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations is a 1996 expansion pack for the real-time strategy game Command & Conquer, which includes 15 new single player missions (7 GDI, 8 Nod) and 10 new multiplayer maps.

Single player missions are all independent of each other rather than organized into campaigns, so they can be played in any order once selected from the list.

Table of Contents


Global Defense Initiative
Brotherhood of Nod