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Health elements are small blue orbs that restore health. They are dropped when damaging enemies. Source is the main currency used for crafting and can earned by killing enemies.

Control Points[edit | edit source]

Ritualistic Thinking

15 Gamerscore points
Ritualistic Thinking
Cleanse 5 Control Points
Ritual Intuition

15 Gamerscore points
Ritual Intuition
Cleanse 10 Control Points
Discerning the Pattern

30 Gamerscore points
Discerning the Pattern
Cleanse 25 Control Points

When you first encounter a control point, you need to cleanse it by holding X button. Afterwards, you can interact with it to access several features. The game will save and health will be fully restored. If you die, you will restart at the last control point that was accessed and lose 10% of your source.

Fast Travel
Fast travel between cleansed control points
Spend ability points to upgrade abilities
Astral Constructs
Craft weapon forms and mods
Board Countermeasures
Accept random missions
Outfits (Central Executive only)
Change outfits

Mods[edit | edit source]

Mods apply passive effects when equipped. There are two types, weapon mods and personal mods. The rarer the mod, the stronger it is. Unneeded mods can be deconstructed for source.

Rarity Source
Common 50
Uncommon 100
Rare 250
Prime 500
Absolute 1000

Astral Constructs[edit | edit source]

Upgrading the constructs level enables crafting higher tier mods.

Constructs Level Source Materials
2 5000
  • 3 House Memory
  • 1 Threshold Remnant
3 7500
  • 5 Threshold Remnant
  • 1 Astral Blip
4 10000
  • 5 Astral Blip
  • 1 Entropic Echo
5 20000
  • 5 Entropic Echo
  • 1 Corrupted Sample

Board Countermeasures[edit | edit source]

War Games

15 Gamerscore points
War Games
Complete 5 Board Countermeasures
Astral Tactician

30 Gamerscore points
Astral Tactician
Complete 25 Board Countermeasures

Board Countermeasures are missions that have a random objective and reward a mod or material when completed. They generally involve killing specific Hiss or using certain weapon forms or abilities. Five will be available at control points and up to three can be accepted. They can also be abandoned at control points which will cause them to disappear and a new one will randomly appear.