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Cosmo Police Galivan is a linear game in that you must clear each one of six areas, one at a time, and in a specific order. However, while you occupy each area, you have a considerable amount of freedom as to how you choose to move around the area.

Within each area, you must locate the location of a new blade, collect the hidden weapons, items, and abilities that allow you to travel throughout the area and open new passages, and destroy the boss that blocks your passage to the next level.

In order to obtain all of the new weapons and items, you will typically have to locate warp gates that send you to and from an alien dimension. The game plays the same in the alien dimension as it does in your home dimension, except that there are different enemies. While enemies tend to change from area to area, the enemies that you encounter in the alien dimensions tend to stay relatively consistent.

Throughout the game, it is important to maintain your level of experience and increase both Galivan's level, as well as the rank of each of the blades that you collect. Every blade besides the Cosmo Blade starts at Rank C. You must destroy enemies and collect blade experience to improve the rank of the blades from C to B, and then from B to A. If you don't take the time to improve the rank of each blade, as well as Galivan's level, you may find the later areas of the game too difficult to pass through.

Saved information[edit | edit source]

If you run out of health during the game, Galivan will die. When he dies, you are given the chance to continue or save your game. Regardless of your choice, when you begin again, only certain aspects of your accomplishments are saved, while others are forgotten. The following chart illustrates which aspects are saved, and which are lost when you ultimately continue.

Aspects that are saved Aspects that are forgotten
  • Current Area
  • Current Blade
  • Accumulated blade experience points for each Blade
  • Collected Weapons
  • Collected Items
  • Collected Special Items
  • Elapsed time
  • Created passages
  • Revealed elevators
  • Defeated mini-bosses who don't revive
  • The state of conversations with Cosmo Police
  • The number of experience points collected (Revives with the lowest amount of experience for your current level)
  • Current GP (Revives with 0)
  • Current CP (Revives with 0)
  • Current HP (Revives with the maximum amount)
  • Current area location (Revives at the area starting point)