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The following is a list of enemies that appear in the world of Crystalis along with their respective statistics. The experience field lists the experience points (XP) gained from successfully defeating an enemy. The drops field lists the valuables dropped by a slain enemy that a player may manually acquire, usually gold pieces (GP). The elemental invulnerabilities field lists which type of elemental sword the enemy cannot be harmed by. The special attack field lists any status ailments that the enemy can afflict the hero with. Finally, the location field lists the area within the world map where the enemy resides.

In the NES version of the game, each enemy has a minimum level before they can be attacked. This is removed in the GBA version, but attacking below that level may still be difficult.

Between the NES and GBC versions, there are minor changes made to the EXP and GP awards. To see stats specific to the platform, use the selector on the top-right.

Area 1[edit | edit source]

Windmill Cave, Wind Valley

Image Name Experience Drops Level Elemental Invulnerability Special Attack Location
Bat (blue) Bat (blue) 1 XP - 1 - - Windmill Cave
Giant Slime (blue) Giant Slime (blue) 6 XP 4 GP 1 thunder - Wind Valley
Giant Slime (red) Giant Slime (red) 2 XP 8 GP 2 fire, water, thunder poison Windmill Cave
Rock Golem Rock Golem 4 XP 4 GP 2 fire, water - Windmill Cave
Slime (blue) Slime (blue) 1 XP 1 GP 1 thunder - Wind Valley
Slime (red) Slime (red) 2 XP 2 GP 2 thunder poison Windmill Cave
Slug Slug (green) 2 XP 2 GP 2 - - Windmill Cave
Tiger Man Tiger Man 1 XP 2 GP 1 - - Wind Valley
Wyvern (green) Wyvern (green) 3 XP 4 GP 2 - - Windmill Cave

Area 2[edit | edit source]

Cordel Plains, Oak Swamp

Image Name Experience Drops Elemental Invulnerability Special Attack Location
Flying Swamp Insect Flying Swamp Insect 8 XP 4 GP wind - Oak Swamp
Giant Slime (blue) Giant Slime (blue) 6 XP 4 GP thunder - Wind Valley
Killer Plant Killer Plant 6 XP - - - Oak Swamp
Mushroom (blue) Mushroom (blue) 8 XP 4 GP wind - Cordel Plains
Swamp Insect Swamp Insect 8 XP 4 GP - - Oak Swamp
Wild Hog Man Wild Hog Man 5 XP 4 GP - - Cordel Plains

Area 3[edit | edit source]

Mt. Sabre Northeast, Mt. Sabre Northeast Caves, Mt. Sabre Southwest, Mt. Sabre Southwest Caves

Image Name Experience Drops Elemental Invulnerability Special Attack Location
Bat (red) Bat (red) 1 XP - - - Mt. Sabre Northeast Caves
Draygonian Soldier Draygonian Solider 25 XP 8 GP fire, water - Mt. Sabre Northeast, Mt. Sabre Northeast Caves
Giant Spider Giant Spider 8 XP 8 GP wind - Mt. Sabre Southwest Caves
Ice Entity Ice Entity 15 XP 8 GP wind - Mt. Sabre Northeast
Ice Golem Ice Golem 35 XP 8 GP wind - Mt. Sabre Northeast Caves
Living Rock (green) Living Rock (green) 8 XP 8 GP fire - Mt. Sabre Southwest Caves
Living Rock (red) Living Rock (red) 15 XP 8 GP fire poison Mt. Sabre Northeast Caves
Snow Monster Snow Monster 12 XP 8 GP wind - Mt. Sabre Southwest
Wyvern (red) Wyvern (red) 10 XP 8 GP fire poison Mt. Sabre Southwest Caves, Mt. Sabre Northeast Caves

Area 4[edit | edit source]

Kirisia Cave, Lime Tree Lake, Waterfall Cave, Waterfall Valley, Waterfall Valley East Cave

Image Name Experience Drops Elemental Invulnerability Special Attack Location
Bat (violet) Bat (violet) 1 XP - - - Waterfall Valley East Cave
Beast Man Beast Man 25 XP 16 GP fire - Waterfall Valley
Crab Crab 30 XP 16 GP fire poison Waterfall Cave
Earth Entity (purple) Earth Entity (purple) 100 XP 30 GP water poison Kirisia Cave
Earth Entity (violet) Earth Entity (violet) 100 XP 30 GP - poison Waterfall Valley East Cave
Evil Bird (purple) Evil Bird (purple) 60 XP 30 GP wind - Lime Tree Lake
Flying Meadow Insect Flying Meadow Insect 592 XP 8 GP wind paralysis Kirisia Meadow
Giant Spider (red) Giant Spider (red) 120 XP 30 GP wind paralysis Waterfall Valley East Cave, Kirisia Cave
Medusa Medusa 50 XP 50 GP wind, fire petrify Waterfall Cave
Medusa Head Medusa Head 40 XP 16 GP wind - Waterfall Valley
Mimic Mimic 126 XP 500 GP wind, water poison Waterfall Cave, Waterfall Valley East Cave
Mushroom (violet) Mushroom (violet) 80 XP 30 GP wind, water poison Waterfall Valley East Cave, Kirisia Cave
Slug (red) Slug (red) 22 XP 16 GP - poison Waterfall Valley
Wyvern (purple) Wyvern (purple) 10 XP 8 GP fire poison Kirisia Cave
Wyvern (red) Wyvern (red) 10 XP 8 GP fire poison Waterfall Valley East Cave

Area 5[edit | edit source]

Angry Seas, Evil Spirit Island Caves, Sabera's Castle

Image Name Experience Drops Level Elemental Invulnerability Special Attack Location
Draygonian Soldier Draygonian Soldier 25 XP 8 GP fire, water - Sabera's Castle
Evil Bird (purple) Evil Bird (purple) 60 XP 30 GP wind - Sabera's Castle
Fish Man Fish Man 144 XP 50 GP 9 water - Angry Seas
Jellyfish Jellyfish 160 XP 30 GP 9 water poison Evil Spirit Island Caves
Killer Moth (violet) Killer Moth (violet) 208 XP - - paralysis Sabera's Castle
Medusa Head (red) Medusa Head (red) 40 XP 16 GP wind - Evil Spirit Island Caves
Medusa Head (violet) Medusa Head (violet) 40 XP 16 GP wind - Evil Spirit Island Caves
Mimic Mimic 126 XP 500 GP wind, water poison Evil Spirit Island Caves
Mushroom (red) Mushroom (red) 80 XP 30 GP wind water poison Evil Spirit Island Caves
Octopus Octopus 176 XP 100 GP 9 water - Angry Seas
Wraith Wraith 256 XP 100 GP water paralysis Sabera's Castle
Wyvern (dark green) Wyvern (dark green) 176 XP 50 GP fire paralysis Evil Spirit Island Caves

Area 6[edit | edit source]

Goa Fortress, Goa Valley

Image Name Experience Drops Elemental Invulnerability Special Attack Location
Black Knight Black Knight 1,600 XP 400 GP wind, fire, water - Goa Fortress
Crab Crab 30 XP 16 GP fire poison Goa Fortress
Devil Devil 672 XP 100 GP - - Goa Fortress
Demon Wall Demon Wall - - wind, fire, water - Goa Fortress
Draygonian Archer Draygonian Archer 256 XP 100 GP fire - Goa Valley, Goa Fortress
Draygonian Knight Draygonian Knight 560 XP 100 GP fire, water poison Goa Fortress
Evil Bird (purple) Evil Bird (purple) 288 XP 50 GP wind - Goa Valley
Flying Insect (violet) Flying Insect (violet) 592 XP 8 GP wind paralysis Goa Fortress
Giant Eye (violet) Giant Eye (violet) 592 XP 8 GP wind, fire, thunder poison, petrify Goa Fortress
Guardian Statue (green) Guardian Statue (green) - - - - Goa Fortress
Guardian Statue (grey) Guardian Statue (grey) - - - - Goa Fortress
Killer Moth (dark violet) Killer Moth (dark violet) 208 XP - - paralysis Goa Fortress
Killer Moth (green) Killer Moth (green) 208 XP - - paralysis Goa Fortress
Lizard Man (violet) Lizard Man (violet) 320 XP 100 GP wind, fire poison Goa Fortress
Medusa Medusa 50 XP 50 GP wind, fire petrify Goa Fortress
Mimic Mimic 126 XP 500 GP wind, water poison Goa Fortress
Sand Man Sand Man 1,920 XP 400 GP wind, fire poison, MP drain Goa Fortress
Sand Salamander Sand Salamander 608 XP 200 GP fire, water poison, MP drain Goa Fortress
Skeleton Skeleton 1,280 XP 200 GP wind, fire, water poison, MP drain Goa Fortress
Tarantula Tarantula 1,280 XP 200 GP wind, water poison, MP drain Goa Fortress
Wraith Wraith 256 XP 100 GP water paralysis Goa Fortress

Area 7[edit | edit source]

Cave of Styx, Mt. Hydra, Mt. Hydra Caves

Image Name Experience Drops Elemental Invulnerability Special Attack Location
Bat (purple) Bat (purple) 1 XP - - - Mt. Hydra Caves
Crab Crab 30 XP 16 GP fire poison Mt. Hydra Caves
Evil Bird (red) Evil Bird (red) 60 XP 30 GP wind - Mt. Hydra
Giant Eye (purple) Giant Eye (purple) 272 XP 50 GP wind, water petrify Mt. Hydra Caves, Cave of Styx
Giant Slime (red) Giant Slime (red) 20 XP 8 GP fire, water, thunder poison Mt. Hydra Caves
Killer Moth (purple) Killer Moth (purple) 208 XP - - paralysis Cave of Styx
Lava Man Lava Man 304 XP 100 GP fire poison Mt. Hydra, Cave of Styx
Lizard Man (green) Lizard Man (green) 320 XP 100 GP wind, fire poison Mt. Hydra Caves
Mimic Mimic 126 XP 500 GP wind, water poison Cave of Styx
Salamander (red) Salamander (red) 608 XP 200 GP fire, water poison, MP drain Cave of Styx
Slime (red) Slime (red) 2 XP 2 GP thunder poison Mt. Hydra Caves
Sorcerer Sorcerer 672 XP 100 GP fire - Cave of Styx

Area 8[edit | edit source]

Death Desert, Great Pyramid, Great Pyramid Tomb, Oasis Cave, Oasis Desert, Sahara Village East Cave, Sahara Village North Cave

Image Name Experience Drops Elemental Invulnerability Special Attack Location
Demon Wall Demon Wall - - wind, fire, water - Oasis Cave
Devil Devil 672 XP 100 GP - - Death Desert
Evil Bird (red) Evil Bird (red) 288 XP 50 GP wind - Oasis Desert
Flying Insect (violet) Flying Insect (violet) 592 XP 8 GP wind paralysis Oasis Cave
Giant Eye (violet) Giant Eye (violet) 1,440 XP 400 GP wind, fire, thunder poison, petrify Great Pyramid
Killer Moth (dark violet) Killer Moth (dark violet) 208 XP - - paralysis Great Pyramid Tomb
Killer Moth (green) Killer Moth (green) 208 XP - - paralysis Great Pyramid Tomb
Mimic Mimic 126 XP 500 GP wind, water poison Great Pyramid Tomb
Mummy Mummy 1,760 XP 400 GP wind, fire, thunder poison, petrify Great Pyramid
Sand Man Sand Man 1,920 XP 400 GP wind, fire poison, MP drain Death Desert, Great Pyramid Tomb
Sand Monster Sand Monster 208 XP 50 GP fire, water - Oasis Desert
Scorpion (red) Scorpion (red) 1,440 XP 200 GP wind, fire, water poison Sahara Village East Cave, Sahara Village North Cave
Scorpion (violet) Scorpion (violet) 1,140 XP 200 GP wind, fire, water poison Great Pyramid
Skeleton Skeleton 1,280 XP 200 GP wind, fire, water poison, MP drain Great Pyramid Tomb
Tomb Guardian Tomb Guardian 1,920 XP 400 GP fire, water, thunder curse Great Pyramid Tomb
Wraith Wraith 256 XP 100 GP water paralysis Great Pyramid

Area 9[edit | edit source]

Floating Tower

Image Name Experience Drops Elemental Invulnerability Special Attack Location
Air Sentry Air Sentry - - - - Floating Tower
Ground Sentry Ground Sentry - - - - Floating Tower
Tower Defense Mech Tower Defense Mech - - - - Floating Tower
Tower Sentinel Tower Sentinel - - - - Floating Tower