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Aoba Seragaki[edit | edit source]

The protagonist of DRAMAtical Murder and the player character, Aoba Seragaki (瀬良垣 蒼葉) lives with his grandmother, Tae, and works at Junk Shop Heibon with the hope of living a normal life. He is visited from time to time by his kind boss, Haga, and three young children who he commonly refers to as brats. Aoba also keeps in touch with his childhood friend, Koujaku, and remains close to his Allmate, Ren but despite his happiness, Aoba is the subject of a few daily mysteries: he often experiences headaches if he avoids taking his medication due to unknown circumstances, his voice has the power to entice all who listen - even men - and lastly, the sense he has in his hair, feeling pain whenever it is cut. However, even though he questions these strange happenings, Aoba would rather live a peaceful life than actively seek out the truth. This is until he is thrust into a dangerous adventure, where he learns that he may be more than he thinks he is.