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- Alignment: Scratch
- Blood type: O
- Height: 189 cm (6' 2")
- Birthday: September 26
- Star sign: Libra
- Allmate: Tori the cockatoo
Mink (ミンク) is the oldest of the main characters and also the most openly aggressive. Leading a team of former prisoners, Aoba first meets Mink when he is forcefully captured by his gang. Mink comes from a Native American village, though events have occurred between then and now to make him a bitter man who maintains his distance despite working with the group toward a common goal.
Common Route[edit | edit source]
- 躊躇する (Hesitate)
- 手品師? (Are you a magician?)
- 反撃する (Fight back)
- 階段を上る音が聞こえた (I hear someone on the stairs)
- 絶対嫌だ (No way)
- 紅雀に声をかける (Call out to Koujaku)
- 今は我慢するしかない (I have to bear with this)
- 我慢する (Be patient)
- 先を急ぐ (Hurry inside)
- ノイズの様子を窺う (Peek at what Noiz is doing)
- クリアを目で探す (Search for Clear)
- 紅雀の敵を引きつける (Fight Koujaku's enemies)
- ミンクに従う (Listen to Mink)
- ミンクを思い浮かべる (Think about Mink)
- すぐに支度をする (Get ready right away)
- 銃は使いたくない (I don't want to use a gun)
- それでも抵抗する (Resist)
Endings[edit | edit source]
Bad End[edit | edit source]
- 助けて (Help)
- 助けて (Help)
- 助けて (Help)
Good End[edit | edit source]
- 助けない (Don't help)
- 助けない (Don't help)
- 助けない (Don't help)