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Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions
Year released1994
System(s)Game Boy
SeriesDaffy Duck
Japanese titleルーニー・テューンズシリーズ ダフィー・ダック
ModesSingle player
LinksDaffy Duck: The Marvin Missions (Game Boy) ChannelSearch

Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions, known in Europe as Daffy Duck, and in Japan as Looney Tunes Series: Daffy Duck (ルーニー・テューンズシリーズ ダフィー・ダック?), is an action video game for the Game Boy, developed and published by Sunsoft, on September 30, 1994 in Japan, later in January 1995 in North America and Europe.

Table of Contents


Daffy Duck: The Marvin Missions (Game Boy)/Table of Contents