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Damage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII
Developer(s)Trickstar Games
Publisher(s)Mad Catz
Year released2012
System(s)Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Genre(s)Action, Simulation
ModesSingle Player, Multiplayer, Co-op
Rating(s)ESRB TeenPEGI Ages 12+OFLC Parental GuidanceUSK Ages 12+
LinksOfficial websiteDamage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII at PCGamingWikiDamage Inc. Pacific Squadron WWII ChannelSearch

Damage Inc: Pacific Squadron WWII is an arcade flight game in the vein of the Ace Combat series. It was published by Mad Catz, notable for their creation of third party controllers and other video game peripherals. This game marks their latest major attempt at publishing a video game.

Beginning in 1942 at the Imperial Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, Damage Inc. sends the player across the Pacific to push back Imperial Japan. This game features a multitude of flyable aircraft, several multiplayer modes, and a lengthy single player campaign.

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