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Xbox 360 icon. PlayStation network icon.
{{{360}}} 47
Gamerscore Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
{{{g}}} 34 9 3 This game has a platinum trophy.

There are 47 achievements and trophies for Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair on Steam and PlayStation Vita.

Picture Name Description Trophy
Hope's Last Reward Hope's Last Reward Earned every other achievement/trophy in the game 4: Platinum trophy Platinum
Murderous Marooning Murderous Marooning Finished the prologue 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Dead Man's Party Dead Man's Party Finished Chapter 1 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Death, Lies, and Video Games Death, Lies, and Video Games Finished Chapter 2 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Is It Medicine or Social Skill? Is It Medicine or Social Skill? Finished Chapter 3 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Bred for Destruction Bred for Destruction Finished Chapter 4 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Abandon All Hope Abandon All Hope Finished Chapter 5 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Goodbye Academy of Despair Goodbye Academy of Despair Finished every chapter 3: Gold trophy Gold
Hope Springs Eternal Hope Springs Eternal Filled in every page of Nagito's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Overlord's Vassal Overlord's Vassal Filled in every page of Gundham's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Grease Monkeying Around Grease Monkeying Around Filled in every page of Kazuichi's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
The Game Hungers for Seconds...and Thirds The Game Hungers for Seconds...and Thirds Filled in every page of Byakuya's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Cooking With Passion Cooking With Passion Filled in every page of Teruteru's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Caught in a Rad Bromance Caught in a Rad Bromance Filled in every page of Nekomaru's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Honor and Humanity Honor and Humanity Filled in every page of Fuyuhiko's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Starving for Affection Starving for Affection Filled in every page of Akane's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Co-Op Partner Co-Op Partner Filled in every page of Chiaki's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
A Royal Affair A Royal Affair Filled in every page of Sonia's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
It's Lolita Complicated It's Lolita Complicated Filled in every page of Hiyoko's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Picture Perfect Picture Perfect Filled in every page of Mahiru's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Helloooooooooooooooo Nurse! Helloooooooooooooooo Nurse! Filled in every page of Mikan's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Dynamic Duet Dynamic Duet Filled in every page of Ibuki's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Feudal Friendship Feudal Friendship Filled in every page of Peko's Report Card 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Mr. Congeniality Mr. Congeniality Filled in every page of every character's Report Card 3: Gold trophy Gold
The 1 Percent The 1 Percent Collected 999 Monocoins 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Look at This Stuff, Isn't it Neat? Look at This Stuff, Isn't it Neat? Collected 50 unique presents 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
For the Hoard For the Hoard Collected every possible present 2: Silver trophy Silver
Be Beary, Beary Quiet... Be Beary, Beary Quiet... Found half of the Hidden Monokumas 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
I Should Start a Circus I Should Start a Circus Found every Hidden Monokuma 2: Silver trophy Silver
Can We Keep Him? Can We Keep Him? Fully raised one type of pet 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Gotta Raise 'Em All! Gotta Raise 'Em All! Fully raised every type of pet 2: Silver trophy Silver
I Wanna Soak Up Some Sun I Wanna Soak Up Some Sun Cleared Island Mode once 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Life's a Real Beach Life's a Real Beach Saw every possible Island Mode ending 2: Silver trophy Silver
Halfway There! Halfway There! Hajime Hinata breaks through level 50 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Capped Out! Capped Out! Hajime Hinata breaks through level 99 2: Silver trophy Silver
Walking the Walk Walking the Walk Break through 5000 total number of steps 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Nice Calves Nice Calves Break through 10,000 total number of steps 2: Silver trophy Silver
Hey, Big Vendor Hey, Big Vendor Challenged vending machine 100 times 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
A Fool and His Money... A Fool and His Money... Obtained all types of items in vending machine 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
A Magical Ending A Magical Ending Cleared all stages of Magical Miracle Girl Monomi 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Monomi Won't Miss These, Right? Monomi Won't Miss These, Right? Collected every possible item in Magical Miracle Girl Monomi 3: Gold trophy Gold
This Belongs in a Museum! This Belongs in a Museum! Unlocked all gallery items 2: Silver trophy Silver
Any Objections? Any Objections? Cleared a class trial without taking any damage 2: Silver trophy Silver
Case Closed Case Closed Cleared a class trial without having to retry once 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Blowin' Through My Screen Blowin' Through My Screen Destroyed 100 white noise lines across all class trials 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
The Airborne Static Event The Airborne Static Event Destroyed 500 white noise lines across all class trials 2: Silver trophy Silver
I'm Sorry, What Were You Saying? I'm Sorry, What Were You Saying? Cleared a class trial without using your Concentration skill once 1: Bronze trophy Bronze