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With another murder comes Monokuma File #2, which states that the estimated time of death is 3:00 PM and the cause of death is a single blow to the head with a blunt instrument. It's time to investigate for more Truth Bullets in preparation for the trial.

Beach House[edit | edit source]

Start by speaking to Chiaki, who will bring up the footprints around the crime scene. While Hajime's and Kazuichi's footprints are accounted for, there's another set of footprints leading from the Beach House that belong to someone else. Could these belong to the killer? Footprints on the Beach becomes the second Truth Bullet. Next, examine the Metal Bat on the floor. The Monokuma File states that the murder was caused by a blunt instrument, a description which seems to fit this bat. Even more suspicious is the fact that the girl killed in Twilight Syndrome Murder Case was also done in by a metal bat, something that Hajime and Chiaki both agree on.

Examine the mask near the body next. Peko suggests that it could have been used by the murderer as a disguise, but Sonia recognizes the face as that of an anime character and rushes off to confirm something. While the meaning behind the mask is unclear at the moment, you will obtain the Pretty Anime Girl Mask Truth Bullet regardless. Finally, examine the body. Streaked bloodstains across the floor indicate that Mahiru crawled to her position before dying. This information results in an update to Monokuma File #2. Examine the refrigerator, which seems to only have sweetened drinks left, and then the Trash Can in the back-left corner of the room for another clue; it's filled with plastic bottles, but what could be the significance of this? Speak to Kazuichi, Peko, and Ibuki for their thoughts (or in Ibuki's case, blubbering) before examining the closet.

Closet[edit | edit source]

The fourth Hidden Monokuma can be found behind the wall in the Closet.

The first thing you should do here is pan the camera up and to the left. Hidden Monokuma #4 is peeking out over the wall. Back to the investigation, examine the Yellow Gummy in the center of the floor, between the shelves. This candy definitely shouldn't be here, but what could it have to do with the case? Examine the shelves and Hajime will comment on the mess. That's all there is to investigate here, so you can exit the Closet and return to the main area of the Beach House.

Back in the Beach House, examine the door to the Shower Room. Monomi will point out that the shower is out of order, but the investigation must continue.

Shower Room[edit | edit source]

You will receive the Shower Room Truth Bullet simply for examining the door that leads here. Examine the door again to enter. Examine the Iron-Barred Window high up on the left wall. It looks too small and too high off the floor for someone to slip through, but Hajime can't seem to push it from his mind. Akane then steps up to help him test the window, and after some intense lifting, they come to the conclusion that the window can indeed be pushed open. Could this have played a part in the killer's entry or escape?

There's nothing else to investigate here, so return to the main area of the Beach House. Hajime will then begin to consider the importance of Twilight Syndrome Murder Case, so speak to Chiaki to go back to the arcade machine in Jabberwock Park.

Jabberwock Park[edit | edit source]

Examine the cabinets in classroom 1-A, then the cabinets in classroom 2-A for Monocoins.

Once Hajime is at the title screen of Twilight Syndrome Murder Case, press down five times as instructed by Chiaki to access the "Truth Edition" of the game. Begin the game as you have before, walking right after gaining control until you reach classroom 1-A. Examine the short cabinets/lockers in the center of the room to find a note, then exit and continue right until you reach the stairs. Take the stairs to the second floor and after regaining control, keep walking left until you reach classroom 2-A. Enter and examine the same set of cabinets here for Monocoins. Exit to the hallway and backtrack to the music room. Enter and examine the girl at the end of the room on the floor. When Girl B mentions an escape route, examine the broken window. The girls assume that the fish tank on the floor was broken as the killer was making their escape. This earns you the Broken Fish Tank Truth Bullet.

The girls then discuss the Killer's Escape Route, which acts as another Truth Bullet. Since the door to the music room was locked and they didn't see anyone in the hallway, they decide that the only way that the killer could have escaped was through the broken window. Lastly, Girl E reports that her Stolen School Swimsuit must have been the result of a pervert, and they start to theorize that the same pervert tried to rape the girl on the floor, who was killed because she resisted. After a few more scenes, the game concludes, and Monokuma mentions that he gave the Ending Prize to whoever beat the game first. Who could it have been, and did the prize drive them to murder? However, even more concerning than that right now is the credits, which list some of the names of Hajime and Chiaki's fellow students, including Mahiru. If the game's characters represent other students, could it be those students exclusively that are involved in this case?

Next, return to the first island via Central Island and go to the Airport. Speak to everyone there, and then go to Mahiru's Cottage.

Mahiru's Cottage[edit | edit source]

The fifth Hidden Monokuma can be found behind the TV in Mahiru's Cottage.

Before investigating anything here, examine Hidden Monokuma #5 behind Chiaki and the TV monitor. Take note that this is your only opportunity to pick this Hidden Monokuma up unless you replay the entire chapter. Once that's done, examine the envelope on Mahiru's bed, as pointed out by Chiaki. Inside is a photo that's nothing short of strange, but it's valuable evidence nonetheless, as it seems to match up with the incident in Twilight Syndrome Murder Case. This Entrance Hall Photo, which Hajime suspects may have been taken by Mahiru, becomes a Truth Bullet. However, this isn't the only suspicious item inside the envelope.

Chiaki presents a photo of a broken vase, which is also consistent with the events of the game. The Broken Vase Photo then becomes yet another Truth Bullet. But the last two photos are perhaps the most shocking; the first depicts a murder victim unknown to Hajime and Chiaki. However, one thing is clear: the position of the body in the music room and its association with the other photos indicates that this is the first murder victim in Twilight Syndrome Murder Case. Thus, the High School Girl's Crime Scene Photo becomes the penultimate Truth Bullet here. The final Truth Bullet is another photo of a murder victim, one who Hajime and Chiaki determine to be Girl E from Twilight Syndrome Murder Case, making this Girl E's Crime Scene Photo. Based on a note found with the photos, it appears that these photos could have very well been the driving force behind the murder. Exit the cottage and, after speaking to Nagito, return to the Beach House.

Return to the Beach House[edit | edit source]

Inside the Beach House, Nagito shares the results of his investigation into the footprints outside. He has deduced that the footprints are small enough to belong to only one person, and that person is Hiyoko. As a "character" in the game, could this evidence be enough to implicate her? Nagito takes it a step further by presenting a Gummy Bag that he found in Hiyoko's room, perhaps related to an item that Hajime found in his own investigation. Speak to Sonia and she'll finally shed some light on the meaning behind the mask found near Mahiru's body. Apparently, the serial killer that she mentioned previously ("Sparkling Justice") uses the same mask when killing those who they deem to be criminals. Finally, speak to Mikan for Mikan's Autopsy Report. Mikan notes that Mahiru would have died instantly from the blow, which may be inconsistent with something that Hajime found previously. Mikan also draws attention to a Letter on Mahiru, which hints toward a planned meeting toward Hiyoko and Mahiru.

These Truth Bullets should be the last required for the trial. Head to Monokuma Rock on Central Island and examine the monument to begin the trial.